首頁> 制动系统> 刹车盘> BD-K3039

刹车盘  BD-K3039







i30 II Hatchback (GD)
Chassis No.
2011 .12-2016.12
1.4 CRDi, Year of Construction 12.2011 - 12.2016, 1396 ccm, 90 PS
2011 .11-2016.12
1.6 CRDi, Year of Construction 11.2011 - 12.2016, 1582 ccm, 136 PS
2015 .01-...
1.6 T-GDI, Year of Construction 01.2015 - ..., 1591 ccm, 186 PS
2011 .12-2015.12
1.6 CRDi, Year of Construction 12.2011 - 12.2015, 1582 ccm, 128 PS
2011 .06-2016.04
1.6, Year of Construction 06.2011 - 04.2016, 1591 ccm, 130 PS
2011 .06-2015.12
1.6, Year of Construction 06.2011 - 12.2015, 1591 ccm, 131 PS
2011 .06-2015.12
1.6, Year of Construction 06.2011 - 12.2015, 1591 ccm, 132 PS
2011 .02-2015.12
1.6 CRDi, Year of Construction 02.2011 - 12.2015, 1582 ccm, 128 PS
2010 .09-...
1.8, Year of Construction 09.2010 - ..., 1797 ccm, 150 PS
2011 .12-2015.12
1.4, Year of Construction 12.2011 - 12.2015, 1396 ccm, 99 PS
2014 .12-2016.12
1.4, Year of Construction 12.2014 - 12.2016, 1368 ccm, 101 PS
2013 .01-...
1.4 LPG, Year of Construction 01.2013 - ..., 1396 ccm, 99 PS
2012 .01-2016.12
1.6, Year of Construction 01.2012 - 12.2016, 1591 ccm, 120 PS
2011 .12-2015.12
1.6, Year of Construction 12.2011 - 12.2015, 1591 ccm, 129 PS
2011 .12-2016.12
1.6 CRDi, Year of Construction 12.2011 - 12.2016, 1582 ccm, 110 PS
2011 .12-2016.12
1.6 GDI, Year of Construction 12.2011 - 12.2016, 1591 ccm, 135 PS
i30 II Estate (GD)
Chassis No.
2011 .12-2015.12
1.6, Year of Construction 12.2011 - 12.2015, 1591 ccm, 129 PS
2011 .12-2015.12
1.4, Year of Construction 12.2011 - 12.2015, 1396 ccm, 99 PS
2014 .12-2016.12
1.4, Year of Construction 12.2014 - 12.2016, 1368 ccm, 101 PS
2011 .12-2016.12
1.4 CRDi, Year of Construction 12.2011 - 12.2016, 1396 ccm, 90 PS
2013 .01-...
1.4 LPG, Year of Construction 01.2013 - ..., 1396 ccm, 99 PS
2012 .01-2016.12
1.6, Year of Construction 01.2012 - 12.2016, 1591 ccm, 120 PS
2011 .12-2016.12
1.6 CRDi, Year of Construction 12.2011 - 12.2016, 1582 ccm, 110 PS
2011 .12-2015.12
1.6 CRDi, Year of Construction 12.2011 - 12.2015, 1582 ccm, 128 PS
2011 .11-2016.12
1.6 CRDi, Year of Construction 11.2011 - 12.2016, 1582 ccm, 136 PS
2011 .12-2016.12
1.6 GDI, Year of Construction 12.2011 - 12.2016, 1591 ccm, 135 PS
2015 .01-...
1.6 T-GDI, Year of Construction 01.2015 - ..., 1591 ccm, 186 PS
2012 .06-2015.12
1.4, Year of Construction 06.2012 - 12.2015, 1396 ccm, 99 PS
2015 .01-...
1.4, Year of Construction 01.2015 - ..., 1368 ccm, 101 PS
2012 .06-...
1.4 CRDi, Year of Construction 06.2012 - ..., 1396 ccm, 90 PS
2012 .06-...
1.6, Year of Construction 06.2012 - ..., 1591 ccm, 120 PS
2012 .06-2015.12
1.6, Year of Construction 06.2012 - 12.2015, 1591 ccm, 129 PS
2012 .06-...
1.6 CRDi, Year of Construction 06.2012 - ..., 1582 ccm, 110 PS
2012 .06-2015.12
1.6 CRDi, Year of Construction 06.2012 - 12.2015, 1582 ccm, 128 PS
2015 .01-...
1.6 CRDi, Year of Construction 01.2015 - ..., 1582 ccm, 136 PS
2012 .06-...
1.6 GDI, Year of Construction 06.2012 - ..., 1591 ccm, 135 PS
i30 II Coupe (GD)
Chassis No.
2012 .06-2015.12
1.4, Year of Construction 06.2012 - 12.2015, 1396 ccm, 99 PS
2015 .01-...
1.4, Year of Construction 01.2015 - ..., 1368 ccm, 101 PS
2012 .06-...
1.4 CRDi, Year of Construction 06.2012 - ..., 1396 ccm, 90 PS
2012 .06-...
1.6, Year of Construction 06.2012 - ..., 1591 ccm, 120 PS
2012 .06-2015.12
1.6, Year of Construction 06.2012 - 12.2015, 1591 ccm, 129 PS
2012 .06-...
1.6 CRDi, Year of Construction 06.2012 - ..., 1582 ccm, 110 PS
2012 .06-2015.12
1.6 CRDi, Year of Construction 06.2012 - 12.2015, 1582 ccm, 128 PS
2015 .01-...
1.6 CRDi, Year of Construction 01.2015 - ..., 1582 ccm, 136 PS
2012 .06-...
1.6 GDI, Year of Construction 06.2012 - ..., 1591 ccm, 135 PS
2013 .05-...
1.4, Year of Construction 05.2013 - ..., 1396 ccm, 99 PS
2014 .12-...
1.4, Year of Construction 12.2014 - ..., 1368 ccm, 101 PS
2013 .05-...
1.4 CRDi, Year of Construction 05.2013 - ..., 1396 ccm, 90 PS
2015 .11-...
1.6 CRDi, Year of Construction 11.2015 - ..., 1582 ccm, 110 PS
2013 .05-...
1.6 CRDi, Year of Construction 05.2013 - ..., 1582 ccm, 128 PS
2014 .12-...
1.6 CRDi, Year of Construction 12.2014 - ..., 1582 ccm, 136 PS
2013 .05-...
1.6 GDI, Year of Construction 05.2013 - ..., 1591 ccm, 135 PS
2016 .11-...
1.6 MPI, Year of Construction 11.2016 - ..., 1591 ccm, 120 PS
2014 .06-...
1.6 MPI, Year of Construction 06.2014 - ..., 1591 ccm, 131 PS
2015 .01-...
1.6 T-GDI, Year of Construction 01.2015 - ..., 1591 ccm, 186 PS
Veloster (FS)
Chassis No.
2011 .10-...
1.6, Year of Construction 10.2011 - ..., 1591 ccm, 129 PS
2011 .03-2017.12
1.6 GDI, Year of Construction 03.2011 - 12.2017, 1591 ccm, 140 PS
2011 .04-2017.12
1.6 MPI, Year of Construction 04.2011 - 12.2017, 1591 ccm, 132 PS
2012 .10-2017.12
1.6 T-GDI, Year of Construction 10.2012 - 12.2017, 1591 ccm, 186 PS
Elantra V Saloon (MD)
Chassis No.
2011 .10-...
1.6, Year of Construction 10.2011 - ..., 1591 ccm, 129 PS
2011 .03-2017.12
1.6 GDI, Year of Construction 03.2011 - 12.2017, 1591 ccm, 140 PS
2011 .04-2017.12
1.6 MPI, Year of Construction 04.2011 - 12.2017, 1591 ccm, 132 PS
2012 .10-2017.12
1.6 T-GDI, Year of Construction 10.2012 - 12.2017, 1591 ccm, 186 PS
2011 .06-2016.04
1.6, Year of Construction 06.2011 - 04.2016, 1591 ccm, 130 PS
2011 .06-2015.12
1.6, Year of Construction 06.2011 - 12.2015, 1591 ccm, 131 PS
2011 .06-2015.12
1.6, Year of Construction 06.2011 - 12.2015, 1591 ccm, 132 PS
2011 .02-2015.12
1.6 CRDi, Year of Construction 02.2011 - 12.2015, 1582 ccm, 128 PS
2010 .09-...
1.8, Year of Construction 09.2010 - ..., 1797 ccm, 150 PS
Creta I Off-Road (GS)
Chassis No.
2013 .05-...
1.4, Year of Construction 05.2013 - ..., 1396 ccm, 99 PS
2014 .12-...
1.4, Year of Construction 12.2014 - ..., 1368 ccm, 101 PS
2013 .05-...
1.4 CRDi, Year of Construction 05.2013 - ..., 1396 ccm, 90 PS
2015 .11-...
1.6 CRDi, Year of Construction 11.2015 - ..., 1582 ccm, 110 PS
2013 .05-...
1.6 CRDi, Year of Construction 05.2013 - ..., 1582 ccm, 128 PS
2014 .12-...
1.6 CRDi, Year of Construction 12.2014 - ..., 1582 ccm, 136 PS
2013 .05-...
1.6 GDI, Year of Construction 05.2013 - ..., 1591 ccm, 135 PS
2016 .11-...
1.6 MPI, Year of Construction 11.2016 - ..., 1591 ccm, 120 PS
2014 .06-...
1.6 MPI, Year of Construction 06.2014 - ..., 1591 ccm, 131 PS
2015 .01-...
1.6 T-GDI, Year of Construction 01.2015 - ..., 1591 ccm, 186 PS
2016 .01-...
1.6, Year of Construction 01.2016 - ..., 1591 ccm, 123 PS
2016 .01-...
2.0, Year of Construction 01.2016 - ..., 1999 ccm, 149 PS
i30 III Hatchback (PDE, PD, PDEN)
Chassis No.
2016 .01-...
1.6, Year of Construction 01.2016 - ..., 1591 ccm, 123 PS
2016 .01-...
2.0, Year of Construction 01.2016 - ..., 1999 ccm, 149 PS
2016 .11-...
2.0, Year of Construction 11.2016 - ..., 1999 ccm, 163 PS
Kona (OS) SUV
Chassis No.
2016 .11-...
2.0, Year of Construction 11.2016 - ..., 1999 ccm, 163 PS
2017 .07-...
1.0 T-GDi, Year of Construction 07.2017 - ..., 998 ccm, 120 PS
2020 .11-...
1.0 T-GDi Hybrid 48V, Year of Construction 11.2020 - ..., 998 ccm, 120 PS
2017 .07-...
2.0, Year of Construction 07.2017 - ..., 1999 ccm, 150 PS
Venue (QX, QXI)
Chassis No.
2017 .07-...
1.0 T-GDi, Year of Construction 07.2017 - ..., 998 ccm, 120 PS
2020 .11-...
1.0 T-GDi Hybrid 48V, Year of Construction 11.2020 - ..., 998 ccm, 120 PS
2017 .07-...
2.0, Year of Construction 07.2017 - ..., 1999 ccm, 150 PS
2019 .07-...
MPi (QX), Year of Construction 07.2019 - ..., 1591 ccm, 122 PS
Kona Box Body / SUV (OS)
Chassis No.
2019 .07-...
MPi (QX), Year of Construction 07.2019 - ..., 1591 ccm, 122 PS
2017 .07-...
1.0 T-GDi, Year of Construction 07.2017 - ..., 998 ccm, 120 PS
Pro cee‘d II Hatchback (JD)
Chassis No.
2013 .03-...
1.6 CRDi 110, Year of Construction 03.2013 - ..., 1582 ccm, 110 PS
2015 .07-...
1.0 T-GDI, Year of Construction 07.2015 - ..., 998 ccm, 100 PS
2015 .07-...
1.0 T-GDI, Year of Construction 07.2015 - ..., 998 ccm, 120 PS
2012 .09-...
1.4 CRDi 90, Year of Construction 09.2012 - ..., 1396 ccm, 90 PS
2012 .09-...
1.4 CVVT, Year of Construction 09.2012 - ..., 1396 ccm, 100 PS
2015 .04-...
1.4 MPI, Year of Construction 04.2015 - ..., 1368 ccm, 101 PS
2012 .09-...
1.6 CRDi 128, Year of Construction 09.2012 - ..., 1582 ccm, 128 PS
2015 .07-...
1.6 CRDi 136, Year of Construction 07.2015 - ..., 1582 ccm, 136 PS
2014 .11-...
1.6 CVVT, Year of Construction 11.2014 - ..., 1591 ccm, 130 PS
2014 .11-...
1.6 CVVT, Year of Construction 11.2014 - ..., 1591 ccm, 131 PS
2012 .09-...
1.6 GDI, Year of Construction 09.2012 - ..., 1591 ccm, 135 PS
2015 .07-...
1.0 T-GDI, Year of Construction 07.2015 - ..., 998 ccm, 100 PS
2015 .07-...
1.0 T-GDI, Year of Construction 07.2015 - ..., 998 ccm, 120 PS
2013 .03-...
1.4 CRDi 90, Year of Construction 03.2013 - ..., 1396 ccm, 90 PS
2013 .03-...
1.4 CVVT, Year of Construction 03.2013 - ..., 1396 ccm, 100 PS
2013 .07-...
1.4 CVVT, Year of Construction 07.2013 - ..., 1396 ccm, 101 PS
2013 .07-...
1.4 MPI, Year of Construction 07.2013 - ..., 1368 ccm, 100 PS
2015 .04-...
1.4 MPI, Year of Construction 04.2015 - ..., 1368 ccm, 101 PS
2013 .03-...
1.6 CRDi 110, Year of Construction 03.2013 - ..., 1582 ccm, 110 PS
2013 .03-...
1.6 CRDi 128, Year of Construction 03.2013 - ..., 1582 ccm, 128 PS
2015 .07-...
1.6 CRDi 136, Year of Construction 07.2015 - ..., 1582 ccm, 136 PS
2013 .03-...
1.6 GDI, Year of Construction 03.2013 - ..., 1591 ccm, 135 PS
2013 .06-...
1.6 GT, Year of Construction 06.2013 - ..., 1591 ccm, 204 PS
Cerato Saloon (YD)
Chassis No.
2013 .06-...
1.6 MPi, Year of Construction 06.2013 - ..., 1591 ccm, 130 PS
2015 .07-...
1.0 T-GDI, Year of Construction 07.2015 - ..., 998 ccm, 100 PS
2015 .07-...
1.0 T-GDI, Year of Construction 07.2015 - ..., 998 ccm, 120 PS
2013 .03-...
1.4 CRDi 90, Year of Construction 03.2013 - ..., 1396 ccm, 90 PS
2013 .03-...
1.4 CVVT, Year of Construction 03.2013 - ..., 1396 ccm, 100 PS
2013 .07-...
1.4 CVVT, Year of Construction 07.2013 - ..., 1396 ccm, 101 PS
2013 .07-...
1.4 MPI, Year of Construction 07.2013 - ..., 1368 ccm, 100 PS
2015 .04-...
1.4 MPI, Year of Construction 04.2015 - ..., 1368 ccm, 101 PS
2013 .03-...
1.6 CRDi 110, Year of Construction 03.2013 - ..., 1582 ccm, 110 PS
2013 .03-...
1.6 CRDi 128, Year of Construction 03.2013 - ..., 1582 ccm, 128 PS
2015 .07-...
1.6 CRDi 136, Year of Construction 07.2015 - ..., 1582 ccm, 136 PS
2013 .03-...
1.6 GDI, Year of Construction 03.2013 - ..., 1591 ccm, 135 PS
2013 .06-...
1.6 GT, Year of Construction 06.2013 - ..., 1591 ccm, 204 PS
2016 .07-...
1.6 CVVT, Year of Construction 07.2016 - ..., 1591 ccm, 129 PS
2016 .07-...
2.0 CVVT, Year of Construction 07.2016 - ..., 1998 ccm, 160 PS
2016 .03-...
2.0 MPi, Year of Construction 03.2016 - ..., 1999 ccm, 152 PS
Cerato Koup (TD)
Chassis No.
2013 .09-...
1.6 CVVT, Year of Construction 09.2013 - ..., 1591 ccm, 204 PS
cee‘d II Hatchback (JD)
Chassis No.
2013 .09-...
1.6 CVVT, Year of Construction 09.2013 - ..., 1591 ccm, 204 PS
2015 .07-...
1.0 T-GDI, Year of Construction 07.2015 - ..., 998 ccm, 100 PS
2015 .07-...
1.0 T-GDI, Year of Construction 07.2015 - ..., 998 ccm, 120 PS
2012 .05-...
1.4 CRDi 90, Year of Construction 05.2012 - ..., 1396 ccm, 90 PS
2012 .05-...
1.4 CVVT, Year of Construction 05.2012 - ..., 1396 ccm, 90 PS
2012 .05-...
1.4 CVVT, Year of Construction 05.2012 - ..., 1396 ccm, 100 PS
2015 .04-...
1.4 MPI, Year of Construction 04.2015 - ..., 1368 ccm, 101 PS
2012 .05-...
1.6 CRDi 110, Year of Construction 05.2012 - ..., 1582 ccm, 110 PS
2012 .05-...
1.6 CRDi 128, Year of Construction 05.2012 - ..., 1582 ccm, 128 PS
2015 .07-...
1.6 CRDi 136, Year of Construction 07.2015 - ..., 1582 ccm, 136 PS
2013 .01-...
1.6 CVVT, Year of Construction 01.2013 - ..., 1591 ccm, 130 PS
2014 .11-...
1.6 CVVT, Year of Construction 11.2014 - ..., 1591 ccm, 131 PS
2012 .05-...
1.6 GDI, Year of Construction 05.2012 - ..., 1591 ccm, 135 PS
2013 .06-...
1.6 GT, Year of Construction 06.2013 - ..., 1591 ccm, 204 PS
cee‘d II Sportswagon (JD)
Chassis No.
2015 .07-...
1.0 T-GDI, Year of Construction 07.2015 - ..., 998 ccm, 100 PS
2015 .07-...
1.0 T-GDI, Year of Construction 07.2015 - ..., 998 ccm, 120 PS
2012 .05-...
1.4 CRDi 90, Year of Construction 05.2012 - ..., 1396 ccm, 90 PS
2012 .05-...
1.4 CVVT, Year of Construction 05.2012 - ..., 1396 ccm, 90 PS
2012 .05-...
1.4 CVVT, Year of Construction 05.2012 - ..., 1396 ccm, 100 PS
2015 .04-...
1.4 MPI, Year of Construction 04.2015 - ..., 1368 ccm, 101 PS
2012 .05-...
1.6 CRDi 110, Year of Construction 05.2012 - ..., 1582 ccm, 110 PS
2012 .05-...
1.6 CRDi 128, Year of Construction 05.2012 - ..., 1582 ccm, 128 PS
2015 .07-...
1.6 CRDi 136, Year of Construction 07.2015 - ..., 1582 ccm, 136 PS
2013 .01-...
1.6 CVVT, Year of Construction 01.2013 - ..., 1591 ccm, 130 PS
2014 .11-...
1.6 CVVT, Year of Construction 11.2014 - ..., 1591 ccm, 131 PS
2012 .05-...
1.6 GDI, Year of Construction 05.2012 - ..., 1591 ccm, 135 PS
2013 .06-...
1.6 GT, Year of Construction 06.2013 - ..., 1591 ccm, 204 PS
2015 .07-...
1.0 T-GDI, Year of Construction 07.2015 - ..., 998 ccm, 100 PS
2015 .07-...
1.0 T-GDI, Year of Construction 07.2015 - ..., 998 ccm, 120 PS
2012 .09-...
1.4 CRDi 90, Year of Construction 09.2012 - ..., 1396 ccm, 90 PS
2012 .09-...
1.4 CVVT, Year of Construction 09.2012 - ..., 1396 ccm, 100 PS
2015 .04-...
1.4 MPI, Year of Construction 04.2015 - ..., 1368 ccm, 101 PS
2013 .03-...
1.6 CRDi 110, Year of Construction 03.2013 - ..., 1582 ccm, 110 PS
2012 .09-...
1.6 CRDi 128, Year of Construction 09.2012 - ..., 1582 ccm, 128 PS
2015 .07-...
1.6 CRDi 136, Year of Construction 07.2015 - ..., 1582 ccm, 136 PS
2014 .11-...
1.6 CVVT, Year of Construction 11.2014 - ..., 1591 ccm, 130 PS
2014 .11-...
1.6 CVVT, Year of Construction 11.2014 - ..., 1591 ccm, 131 PS
2012 .09-...
1.6 GDI, Year of Construction 09.2012 - ..., 1591 ccm, 135 PS
Soul II (PS)
Chassis No.
2016 .07-...
1.6 CVVT, Year of Construction 07.2016 - ..., 1591 ccm, 129 PS
2013 .06-...
1.6 MPi, Year of Construction 06.2013 - ..., 1591 ccm, 130 PS
2016 .07-...
2.0 CVVT, Year of Construction 07.2016 - ..., 1998 ccm, 160 PS
2016 .03-...
2.0 MPi, Year of Construction 03.2016 - ..., 1999 ccm, 152 PS
2014 .02-...
1.6 CRDi 128, Year of Construction 02.2014 - ..., 1582 ccm, 126 PS
2015 .04-...
1.6 CRDi 136, Year of Construction 04.2015 - ..., 1582 ccm, 136 PS
2014 .02-...
1.6 CVVT, Year of Construction 02.2014 - ..., 1591 ccm, 124 PS
2016 .07-...
1.6 CVVT, Year of Construction 07.2016 - ..., 1591 ccm, 129 PS
2014 .02-...
1.6 GDI, Year of Construction 02.2014 - ..., 1591 ccm, 132 PS
2016 .11-...
1.6 TGDI, Year of Construction 11.2016 - ..., 1591 ccm, 204 PS
2016 .08-...
2.0 CVVT, Year of Construction 08.2016 - ..., 1999 ccm, 150 PS
2014 .02-...
2.0 CVVT, Year of Construction 02.2014 - ..., 1999 ccm, 154 PS
Cerato Hatchback (YD)
Chassis No.
2014 .02-...
1.6 CRDi 128, Year of Construction 02.2014 - ..., 1582 ccm, 126 PS
2015 .04-...
1.6 CRDi 136, Year of Construction 04.2015 - ..., 1582 ccm, 136 PS
2014 .02-...
1.6 CVVT, Year of Construction 02.2014 - ..., 1591 ccm, 124 PS
2016 .07-...
1.6 CVVT, Year of Construction 07.2016 - ..., 1591 ccm, 129 PS
2014 .02-...
1.6 GDI, Year of Construction 02.2014 - ..., 1591 ccm, 132 PS
2016 .11-...
1.6 TGDI, Year of Construction 11.2016 - ..., 1591 ccm, 204 PS
2016 .08-...
2.0 CVVT, Year of Construction 08.2016 - ..., 1999 ccm, 150 PS
2014 .02-...
2.0 CVVT, Year of Construction 02.2014 - ..., 1999 ccm, 154 PS
2016 .01-...
2.0 CVVT, Year of Construction 01.2016 - ..., 1999 ccm, 152 PS
Cerato Koup (YD)
Chassis No.
2016 .01-...
2.0 CVVT, Year of Construction 01.2016 - ..., 1999 ccm, 152 PS
2013 .12-...
1.6 T-GDI, Year of Construction 12.2013 - ..., 1591 ccm, 204 PS
Cerato Saloon (BD, BDM)
Chassis No.
2013 .12-...
1.6 T-GDI, Year of Construction 12.2013 - ..., 1591 ccm, 204 PS
Pro cee‘d II Box Body / Hatchback (JD)
Chassis No.
2018 .02-...
2.0 MPi, Year of Construction 02.2018 - ..., 1999 ccm, 152 PS
2015 .05-...
1.4 CRDi, Year of Construction 05.2015 - ..., 1396 ccm, 90 PS
2012 .05-...
1.4 CVVT, Year of Construction 05.2012 - ..., 1396 ccm, 99 PS
2012 .10-...
1.6 CRDi, Year of Construction 10.2012 - ..., 1582 ccm, 128 PS
2015 .04-...
1.6 GDI, Year of Construction 04.2015 - ..., 1591 ccm, 135 PS
Cerato Hatchback (BD, BDM)
Chassis No.
2015 .05-...
1.4 CRDi, Year of Construction 05.2015 - ..., 1396 ccm, 90 PS
2012 .05-...
1.4 CVVT, Year of Construction 05.2012 - ..., 1396 ccm, 99 PS
2012 .10-...
1.6 CRDi, Year of Construction 10.2012 - ..., 1582 ccm, 128 PS
2015 .04-...
1.6 GDI, Year of Construction 04.2015 - ..., 1591 ccm, 135 PS
2018 .10-...
2.0 MPi, Year of Construction 10.2018 - ..., 1999 ccm, 152 PS