首頁> 制动系统> 刹车盘> BD-U0036

刹车盘  BD-U0036







Escort Mk5 Saloon (AFL)
Chassis No.
1994 .01-1995.01
1.6 i 16V, Year of Construction 01.1994 - 01.1995, 1597 ccm, 88 PS
1994 .01-1995.01
1.4, Year of Construction 01.1994 - 01.1995, 1391 ccm, 75 PS
1994 .01-1995.01
1.6 i 16V, Year of Construction 01.1994 - 01.1995, 1597 ccm, 88 PS
1992 .09-1995.01
1.6 i 16V, Year of Construction 09.1992 - 01.1995, 1597 ccm, 90 PS
1992 .09-1995.01
1.8 D, Year of Construction 09.1992 - 01.1995, 1753 ccm, 60 PS
1992 .09-1995.01
1.8 i 16V, Year of Construction 09.1992 - 01.1995, 1796 ccm, 105 PS
1993 .02-1995.01
1.8 TD, Year of Construction 02.1993 - 01.1995, 1753 ccm, 90 PS
1993 .08-1995.01
1.8 XR3i 16V 4x4, Year of Construction 08.1993 - 01.1995, 1796 ccm, 105 PS
1993 .08-1995.01
1.3, Year of Construction 08.1993 - 01.1995, 1299 ccm, 60 PS
1993 .08-1994.04
1.4, Year of Construction 08.1993 - 04.1994, 1392 ccm, 71 PS
1993 .08-1995.01
1.4, Year of Construction 08.1993 - 01.1995, 1391 ccm, 75 PS
1993 .08-1995.01
1.6 i 16V, Year of Construction 08.1993 - 01.1995, 1597 ccm, 90 PS
1993 .08-1995.01
1.8 D, Year of Construction 08.1993 - 01.1995, 1753 ccm, 60 PS
1993 .08-1995.01
1.8 i 16V, Year of Construction 08.1993 - 01.1995, 1796 ccm, 105 PS
1993 .08-1995.01
1.8 TD, Year of Construction 08.1993 - 01.1995, 1753 ccm, 90 PS
Fiesta Mk4 Hatchback (JAS, JBS)
Chassis No.
1995 .02-1999.09
1.6 16V XR3i, Year of Construction 02.1995 - 09.1999, 1597 ccm, 90 PS
1995 .02-1998.08
1.4, Year of Construction 02.1995 - 08.1998, 1391 ccm, 75 PS
1995 .02-1996.12
1.6 16V XR3i, Year of Construction 02.1995 - 12.1996, 1597 ccm, 88 PS
1995 .02-1998.08
1.8 16V XR3i, Year of Construction 02.1995 - 08.1998, 1796 ccm, 105 PS
1995 .10-1998.08
1.8 16V XR3i, Year of Construction 10.1995 - 08.1998, 1796 ccm, 115 PS
1995 .09-1998.08
1.8 TD, Year of Construction 09.1995 - 08.1998, 1753 ccm, 90 PS
1996 .10-1999.08
1.8 Turbo D, Year of Construction 10.1996 - 08.1999, 1753 ccm, 70 PS
1997 .02-1999.09
1.0 i, Year of Construction 02.1997 - 09.1999, 999 ccm, 52 PS
1999 .09-2002.01
1.0 i, Year of Construction 09.1999 - 01.2002, 999 ccm, 65 PS
1995 .09-1996.12
1.1, Year of Construction 09.1995 - 12.1996, 1087 ccm, 50 PS
1995 .08-2002.01
1.25 i 16V, Year of Construction 08.1995 - 01.2002, 1242 ccm, 75 PS
1995 .08-2002.01
1.3 i, Year of Construction 08.1995 - 01.2002, 1299 ccm, 50 PS
1995 .08-2002.01
1.3 i, Year of Construction 08.1995 - 01.2002, 1299 ccm, 60 PS
1996 .04-2002.01
1.4 i 16V, Year of Construction 04.1996 - 01.2002, 1388 ccm, 90 PS
2000 .02-2002.01
1.6 16V Sport, Year of Construction 02.2000 - 01.2002, 1596 ccm, 103 PS
1995 .08-2000.04
1.8 D, Year of Construction 08.1995 - 04.2000, 1753 ccm, 60 PS
2000 .04-2002.01
1.8 DI, Year of Construction 04.2000 - 01.2002, 1753 ccm, 75 PS
Escort Mk6 Saloon (GAL, AFL)
Chassis No.
1995 .01-1998.10
1.6 16V 4x4, Year of Construction 01.1995 - 10.1998, 1597 ccm, 90 PS
1995 .01-1995.08
1.6 i 16V, Year of Construction 01.1995 - 08.1995, 1597 ccm, 88 PS
1995 .01-1998.10
1.3, Year of Construction 01.1995 - 10.1998, 1299 ccm, 60 PS
1995 .01-1999.12
1.4, Year of Construction 01.1995 - 12.1999, 1392 ccm, 73 PS
1995 .01-1998.10
1.4, Year of Construction 01.1995 - 10.1998, 1391 ccm, 75 PS
1995 .01-1998.10
1.6 16V, Year of Construction 01.1995 - 10.1998, 1597 ccm, 90 PS
1995 .01-1995.08
1.8 16V, Year of Construction 01.1995 - 08.1995, 1796 ccm, 105 PS
1995 .01-1998.10
1.8 16V, Year of Construction 01.1995 - 10.1998, 1796 ccm, 115 PS
1995 .01-1996.12
1.8 D, Year of Construction 01.1995 - 12.1996, 1753 ccm, 60 PS
1995 .01-1998.10
1.8 TD, Year of Construction 01.1995 - 10.1998, 1753 ccm, 90 PS
1995 .12-1998.10
1.8 Turbo D, Year of Construction 12.1995 - 10.1998, 1753 ccm, 70 PS
1995 .01-1999.02
1.3, Year of Construction 01.1995 - 02.1999, 1299 ccm, 60 PS
1995 .01-1996.12
1.4, Year of Construction 01.1995 - 12.1996, 1392 ccm, 73 PS
1995 .01-1999.02
1.4, Year of Construction 01.1995 - 02.1999, 1391 ccm, 75 PS
1995 .01-1995.08
1.6 i 16V, Year of Construction 01.1995 - 08.1995, 1597 ccm, 88 PS
1995 .01-1999.02
1.6 i 16V, Year of Construction 01.1995 - 02.1999, 1597 ccm, 90 PS
1995 .01-1995.08
1.8 16V, Year of Construction 01.1995 - 08.1995, 1796 ccm, 105 PS
1995 .01-1996.12
1.8 D, Year of Construction 01.1995 - 12.1996, 1753 ccm, 60 PS
1995 .01-1999.02
1.8 TD, Year of Construction 01.1995 - 02.1999, 1753 ccm, 90 PS
1995 .12-1999.02
1.8 Turbo D, Year of Construction 12.1995 - 02.1999, 1753 ccm, 70 PS
Escort Mk5 Hatchback (AAL, ABL)
Chassis No.
1990 .07-1992.09
1.3, Year of Construction 07.1990 - 09.1992, 1299 ccm, 60 PS
1990 .07-1992.09
1.4, Year of Construction 07.1990 - 09.1992, 1392 ccm, 71 PS
1990 .07-1992.08
1.6, Year of Construction 07.1990 - 08.1992, 1598 ccm, 90 PS
1990 .07-1992.12
1.6, Year of Construction 07.1990 - 12.1992, 1598 ccm, 105 PS
1992 .02-1992.12
1.8 16V XR3i, Year of Construction 02.1992 - 12.1992, 1796 ccm, 105 PS
1990 .07-1992.12
1.8 D, Year of Construction 07.1990 - 12.1992, 1753 ccm, 60 PS
Escort Mk5 Estate (ANL)
Chassis No.
1990 .07-1992.09
1.3, Year of Construction 07.1990 - 09.1992, 1299 ccm, 60 PS
1990 .07-1992.09
1.4, Year of Construction 07.1990 - 09.1992, 1392 ccm, 71 PS
1990 .07-1992.08
1.6, Year of Construction 07.1990 - 08.1992, 1598 ccm, 90 PS
1990 .07-1992.12
1.6, Year of Construction 07.1990 - 12.1992, 1598 ccm, 105 PS
1992 .02-1992.12
1.8 16V XR3i, Year of Construction 02.1992 - 12.1992, 1796 ccm, 105 PS
1990 .07-1992.12
1.8 D, Year of Construction 07.1990 - 12.1992, 1753 ccm, 60 PS
1991 .09-1992.09
1.3, Year of Construction 09.1991 - 09.1992, 1299 ccm, 60 PS
1990 .07-1992.09
1.4, Year of Construction 07.1990 - 09.1992, 1392 ccm, 71 PS
1990 .07-1992.08
1.6, Year of Construction 07.1990 - 08.1992, 1598 ccm, 90 PS
1990 .07-1992.09
1.6, Year of Construction 07.1990 - 09.1992, 1598 ccm, 105 PS
1992 .02-1992.12
1.8 16V, Year of Construction 02.1992 - 12.1992, 1796 ccm, 105 PS
1990 .07-1992.12
1.8 D, Year of Construction 07.1990 - 12.1992, 1753 ccm, 60 PS
1991 .05-1992.12
1.8 TD, Year of Construction 05.1991 - 12.1992, 1753 ccm, 75 PS
Escort Mk5 Convertible (ALL)
Chassis No.
1991 .09-1992.09
1.3, Year of Construction 09.1991 - 09.1992, 1299 ccm, 60 PS
1990 .07-1992.09
1.4, Year of Construction 07.1990 - 09.1992, 1392 ccm, 71 PS
1990 .07-1992.08
1.6, Year of Construction 07.1990 - 08.1992, 1598 ccm, 90 PS
1990 .07-1992.09
1.6, Year of Construction 07.1990 - 09.1992, 1598 ccm, 105 PS
1992 .02-1992.12
1.8 16V, Year of Construction 02.1992 - 12.1992, 1796 ccm, 105 PS
1990 .07-1992.12
1.8 D, Year of Construction 07.1990 - 12.1992, 1753 ccm, 60 PS
1991 .05-1992.12
1.8 TD, Year of Construction 05.1991 - 12.1992, 1753 ccm, 75 PS
1993 .07-1995.01
1.4 i, Year of Construction 07.1993 - 01.1995, 1391 ccm, 75 PS
1992 .12-1995.01
1.6 16V XR3i, Year of Construction 12.1992 - 01.1995, 1597 ccm, 90 PS
1994 .02-1995.01
1.6 i 16V, Year of Construction 02.1994 - 01.1995, 1597 ccm, 88 PS
1989 .04-1991.12
1.0, Year of Construction 04.1989 - 12.1991, 999 ccm, 45 PS
1991 .12-1995.08
1.1, Year of Construction 12.1991 - 08.1995, 1119 ccm, 50 PS
1991 .09-1996.02
1.3, Year of Construction 09.1991 - 02.1996, 1299 ccm, 60 PS
1991 .09-1996.02
1.8 D, Year of Construction 09.1991 - 02.1996, 1753 ccm, 60 PS
1990 .07-1992.12
1.4, Year of Construction 07.1990 - 12.1992, 1392 ccm, 71 PS
1990 .07-1992.12
1.6, Year of Construction 07.1990 - 12.1992, 1598 ccm, 105 PS
1992 .02-1992.12
1.8 16V XR3i, Year of Construction 02.1992 - 12.1992, 1796 ccm, 105 PS
Escort Mk5 Hatchback (GAL)
Chassis No.
1993 .07-1995.01
1.4 i, Year of Construction 07.1993 - 01.1995, 1391 ccm, 75 PS
1992 .12-1995.01
1.6 16V XR3i, Year of Construction 12.1992 - 01.1995, 1597 ccm, 90 PS
1994 .02-1995.01
1.6 i 16V, Year of Construction 02.1994 - 01.1995, 1597 ccm, 88 PS
1994 .01-1995.01
1.4, Year of Construction 01.1994 - 01.1995, 1391 ccm, 75 PS
1994 .01-1995.01
1.6 i 16V, Year of Construction 01.1994 - 01.1995, 1597 ccm, 88 PS
1992 .09-1995.01
1.6 i 16V, Year of Construction 09.1992 - 01.1995, 1597 ccm, 90 PS
1992 .09-1995.01
1.8 D, Year of Construction 09.1992 - 01.1995, 1753 ccm, 60 PS
1992 .09-1995.01
1.8 i 16V, Year of Construction 09.1992 - 01.1995, 1796 ccm, 105 PS
1993 .02-1995.01
1.8 TD, Year of Construction 02.1993 - 01.1995, 1753 ccm, 90 PS
1993 .08-1995.01
1.8 XR3i 16V 4x4, Year of Construction 08.1993 - 01.1995, 1796 ccm, 105 PS
Escort Mk5 Estate (GAL)
Chassis No.
1993 .08-1995.01
1.3, Year of Construction 08.1993 - 01.1995, 1299 ccm, 60 PS
1993 .08-1994.04
1.4, Year of Construction 08.1993 - 04.1994, 1392 ccm, 71 PS
1993 .08-1995.01
1.4, Year of Construction 08.1993 - 01.1995, 1391 ccm, 75 PS
1994 .01-1995.01
1.6 i 16V, Year of Construction 01.1994 - 01.1995, 1597 ccm, 88 PS
1993 .08-1995.01
1.6 i 16V, Year of Construction 08.1993 - 01.1995, 1597 ccm, 90 PS
1993 .08-1995.01
1.8 D, Year of Construction 08.1993 - 01.1995, 1753 ccm, 60 PS
1993 .08-1995.01
1.8 i 16V, Year of Construction 08.1993 - 01.1995, 1796 ccm, 105 PS
1993 .08-1995.01
1.8 TD, Year of Construction 08.1993 - 01.1995, 1753 ccm, 90 PS
1994 .01-1995.01
1.4, Year of Construction 01.1994 - 01.1995, 1391 ccm, 75 PS
1992 .09-1995.01
1.6 i 16V, Year of Construction 09.1992 - 01.1995, 1597 ccm, 90 PS
1992 .09-1995.01
1.8 D, Year of Construction 09.1992 - 01.1995, 1753 ccm, 60 PS
1993 .02-1995.01
1.8i 16V (RQB), Year of Construction 02.1993 - 01.1995, 1796 ccm, 130 PS
1993 .02-1995.01
1.8 TD, Year of Construction 02.1993 - 01.1995, 1753 ccm, 90 PS
Orion Mk3 (GAL)
Chassis No.
1994 .01-1995.01
1.4, Year of Construction 01.1994 - 01.1995, 1391 ccm, 75 PS
1994 .01-1995.01
1.6 i 16V, Year of Construction 01.1994 - 01.1995, 1597 ccm, 88 PS
1992 .09-1995.01
1.6 i 16V, Year of Construction 09.1992 - 01.1995, 1597 ccm, 90 PS
1992 .09-1995.01
1.8 D, Year of Construction 09.1992 - 01.1995, 1753 ccm, 60 PS
1993 .02-1995.01
1.8i 16V (RQB), Year of Construction 02.1993 - 01.1995, 1796 ccm, 130 PS
1993 .02-1995.01
1.8 TD, Year of Construction 02.1993 - 01.1995, 1753 ccm, 90 PS
1990 .07-1993.12
1.3, Year of Construction 07.1990 - 12.1993, 1299 ccm, 60 PS
1990 .07-1993.12
1.4, Year of Construction 07.1990 - 12.1993, 1391 ccm, 71 PS
1990 .07-1993.12
1.4, Year of Construction 07.1990 - 12.1993, 1392 ccm, 73 PS
1990 .07-1992.12
1.6, Year of Construction 07.1990 - 12.1992, 1598 ccm, 90 PS
1990 .07-1992.09
1.6 i, Year of Construction 07.1990 - 09.1992, 1598 ccm, 105 PS
1992 .07-1993.12
1.6 i 16V, Year of Construction 07.1992 - 12.1993, 1597 ccm, 90 PS
1990 .11-1993.12
1.8 D, Year of Construction 11.1990 - 12.1993, 1753 ccm, 60 PS
1992 .02-1993.12
1.8 i 16V, Year of Construction 02.1992 - 12.1993, 1796 ccm, 105 PS
1992 .01-1993.12
1.8 i 16V, Year of Construction 01.1992 - 12.1993, 1796 ccm, 130 PS
1992 .03-1993.12
1.8 TD, Year of Construction 03.1992 - 12.1993, 1753 ccm, 90 PS
Fiesta Mk3 Hatchback (GFJ)
Chassis No.
1990 .07-1993.12
1.3, Year of Construction 07.1990 - 12.1993, 1299 ccm, 60 PS
1990 .07-1993.12
1.4, Year of Construction 07.1990 - 12.1993, 1391 ccm, 71 PS
1990 .07-1993.12
1.4, Year of Construction 07.1990 - 12.1993, 1392 ccm, 73 PS
1990 .07-1992.12
1.6, Year of Construction 07.1990 - 12.1992, 1598 ccm, 90 PS
1990 .07-1992.09
1.6 i, Year of Construction 07.1990 - 09.1992, 1598 ccm, 105 PS
1992 .07-1993.12
1.6 i 16V, Year of Construction 07.1992 - 12.1993, 1597 ccm, 90 PS
1990 .11-1993.12
1.8 D, Year of Construction 11.1990 - 12.1993, 1753 ccm, 60 PS
1992 .02-1993.12
1.8 i 16V, Year of Construction 02.1992 - 12.1993, 1796 ccm, 105 PS
1992 .01-1993.12
1.8 i 16V, Year of Construction 01.1992 - 12.1993, 1796 ccm, 130 PS
1992 .03-1993.12
1.8 TD, Year of Construction 03.1992 - 12.1993, 1753 ccm, 90 PS
Escort Mk6 Hatchback (GAL, AAL, ABL)
Chassis No.
1989 .03-1995.12
1.0, Year of Construction 03.1989 - 12.1995, 1001 ccm, 45 PS
1989 .03-1995.12
1.1, Year of Construction 03.1989 - 12.1995, 1119 ccm, 50 PS
1989 .03-1995.12
1.1, Year of Construction 03.1989 - 12.1995, 1119 ccm, 55 PS
1989 .03-1992.12
1.3, Year of Construction 03.1989 - 12.1992, 1299 ccm, 60 PS
1989 .03-1995.12
1.3, Year of Construction 03.1989 - 12.1995, 1297 ccm, 60 PS
1991 .05-1997.01
1.3 CAT, Year of Construction 05.1991 - 01.1997, 1299 ccm, 60 PS
1989 .03-1995.12
1.4, Year of Construction 03.1989 - 12.1995, 1391 ccm, 71 PS
1989 .03-1995.12
1.4, Year of Construction 03.1989 - 12.1995, 1391 ccm, 73 PS
1992 .11-1996.12
1.4, Year of Construction 11.1992 - 12.1996, 1392 ccm, 75 PS
1989 .03-1995.12
1.4 CAT, Year of Construction 03.1989 - 12.1995, 1391 ccm, 73 PS
1989 .01-1994.01
1.6, Year of Construction 01.1989 - 01.1994, 1597 ccm, 88 PS
1989 .03-1992.12
1.6, Year of Construction 03.1989 - 12.1992, 1597 ccm, 90 PS
1994 .01-1995.12
1.6 i 16V, Year of Construction 01.1994 - 12.1995, 1597 ccm, 88 PS
1990 .03-1992.10
1.6 Turbo, Year of Construction 03.1990 - 10.1992, 1598 ccm, 131 PS
1989 .03-1993.03
1.6 XR2i, Year of Construction 03.1989 - 03.1993, 1598 ccm, 103 PS
1989 .03-1994.01
1.6 XR2i, Year of Construction 03.1989 - 01.1994, 1597 ccm, 110 PS
1992 .02-1995.12
1.8 16V, Year of Construction 02.1992 - 12.1995, 1796 ccm, 105 PS
1989 .03-1995.12
1.8 D, Year of Construction 03.1989 - 12.1995, 1753 ccm, 60 PS
1992 .02-1995.12
1.8 XR2i 16V, Year of Construction 02.1992 - 12.1995, 1796 ccm, 130 PS
1995 .01-1998.10
1.3, Year of Construction 01.1995 - 10.1998, 1299 ccm, 60 PS
1995 .01-1999.12
1.4, Year of Construction 01.1995 - 12.1999, 1392 ccm, 73 PS
1995 .01-1998.10
1.4, Year of Construction 01.1995 - 10.1998, 1391 ccm, 75 PS
1995 .01-1998.10
1.6 16V, Year of Construction 01.1995 - 10.1998, 1597 ccm, 90 PS
1995 .01-1998.10
1.6 16V 4x4, Year of Construction 01.1995 - 10.1998, 1597 ccm, 90 PS
1995 .01-1995.08
1.6 i 16V, Year of Construction 01.1995 - 08.1995, 1597 ccm, 88 PS
1995 .01-1995.08
1.8 16V, Year of Construction 01.1995 - 08.1995, 1796 ccm, 105 PS
1995 .01-1998.10
1.8 16V, Year of Construction 01.1995 - 10.1998, 1796 ccm, 115 PS
1995 .01-1996.12
1.8 D, Year of Construction 01.1995 - 12.1996, 1753 ccm, 60 PS
1995 .01-1998.10
1.8 TD, Year of Construction 01.1995 - 10.1998, 1753 ccm, 90 PS
1995 .12-1998.10
1.8 Turbo D, Year of Construction 12.1995 - 10.1998, 1753 ccm, 70 PS
Escort Mk6 Estate (GAL, ANL)
Chassis No.
1995 .01-1999.02
1.3, Year of Construction 01.1995 - 02.1999, 1299 ccm, 60 PS
1995 .01-1996.12
1.4, Year of Construction 01.1995 - 12.1996, 1392 ccm, 73 PS
1995 .01-1999.02
1.4, Year of Construction 01.1995 - 02.1999, 1391 ccm, 75 PS
1995 .01-1995.08
1.6 i 16V, Year of Construction 01.1995 - 08.1995, 1597 ccm, 88 PS
1995 .01-1999.02
1.6 i 16V, Year of Construction 01.1995 - 02.1999, 1597 ccm, 90 PS
1995 .01-1995.08
1.8 16V, Year of Construction 01.1995 - 08.1995, 1796 ccm, 105 PS
1995 .01-1996.12
1.8 D, Year of Construction 01.1995 - 12.1996, 1753 ccm, 60 PS
1995 .01-1999.02
1.8 TD, Year of Construction 01.1995 - 02.1999, 1753 ccm, 90 PS
1995 .12-1999.02
1.8 Turbo D, Year of Construction 12.1995 - 02.1999, 1753 ccm, 70 PS
1995 .01-1999.01
1.3, Year of Construction 01.1995 - 01.1999, 1299 ccm, 60 PS
1995 .01-1996.12
1.4, Year of Construction 01.1995 - 12.1996, 1392 ccm, 73 PS
1995 .01-1999.02
1.4, Year of Construction 01.1995 - 02.1999, 1391 ccm, 75 PS
1995 .01-1999.02
1.6 16V, Year of Construction 01.1995 - 02.1999, 1597 ccm, 90 PS
1995 .01-1995.08
1.6 i 16V, Year of Construction 01.1995 - 08.1995, 1597 ccm, 88 PS
1995 .01-1995.08
1.8 16V, Year of Construction 01.1995 - 08.1995, 1796 ccm, 105 PS
1995 .01-1999.02
1.8 16V, Year of Construction 01.1995 - 02.1999, 1796 ccm, 115 PS
1995 .01-1999.02
1.8 D, Year of Construction 01.1995 - 02.1999, 1753 ccm, 60 PS
1995 .01-1999.02
1.8 TD, Year of Construction 01.1995 - 02.1999, 1753 ccm, 90 PS
1995 .12-1999.02
1.8 Turbo D, Year of Construction 12.1995 - 02.1999, 1753 ccm, 70 PS
Escort Mk6 Convertible (ALL)
Chassis No.
1995 .01-1999.01
1.3, Year of Construction 01.1995 - 01.1999, 1299 ccm, 60 PS
1995 .01-1996.12
1.4, Year of Construction 01.1995 - 12.1996, 1392 ccm, 73 PS
1995 .01-1999.02
1.4, Year of Construction 01.1995 - 02.1999, 1391 ccm, 75 PS
1995 .01-1999.02
1.6 16V, Year of Construction 01.1995 - 02.1999, 1597 ccm, 90 PS
1995 .01-1995.08
1.6 i 16V, Year of Construction 01.1995 - 08.1995, 1597 ccm, 88 PS
1995 .01-1995.08
1.8 16V, Year of Construction 01.1995 - 08.1995, 1796 ccm, 105 PS
1995 .01-1999.02
1.8 16V, Year of Construction 01.1995 - 02.1999, 1796 ccm, 115 PS
1995 .01-1999.02
1.8 D, Year of Construction 01.1995 - 02.1999, 1753 ccm, 60 PS
1995 .01-1999.02
1.8 TD, Year of Construction 01.1995 - 02.1999, 1753 ccm, 90 PS
1995 .12-1999.02
1.8 Turbo D, Year of Construction 12.1995 - 02.1999, 1753 ccm, 70 PS
Fiesta Mk4 (J3S, J5S)
Chassis No.
1997 .02-1999.09
1.0 i, Year of Construction 02.1997 - 09.1999, 999 ccm, 52 PS
1999 .09-2002.01
1.0 i, Year of Construction 09.1999 - 01.2002, 999 ccm, 65 PS
1995 .09-1996.12
1.1, Year of Construction 09.1995 - 12.1996, 1087 ccm, 50 PS
1995 .08-2002.01
1.25 i 16V, Year of Construction 08.1995 - 01.2002, 1242 ccm, 75 PS
1995 .08-2002.01
1.3 i, Year of Construction 08.1995 - 01.2002, 1299 ccm, 50 PS
1995 .08-2002.01
1.3 i, Year of Construction 08.1995 - 01.2002, 1299 ccm, 60 PS
1996 .04-2002.01
1.4 i 16V, Year of Construction 04.1996 - 01.2002, 1388 ccm, 90 PS
2000 .02-2002.01
1.6 16V Sport, Year of Construction 02.2000 - 01.2002, 1596 ccm, 103 PS
1995 .08-2000.04
1.8 D, Year of Construction 08.1995 - 04.2000, 1753 ccm, 60 PS
2000 .04-2002.01
1.8 DI, Year of Construction 04.2000 - 01.2002, 1753 ccm, 75 PS
1996 .02-2003.08
1.3, Year of Construction 02.1996 - 08.2003, 1299 ccm, 60 PS
1996 .04-1999.10
1.4 i, Year of Construction 04.1996 - 10.1999, 1388 ccm, 90 PS
1996 .02-2002.04
1.8 D, Year of Construction 02.1996 - 04.2002, 1753 ccm, 60 PS
2000 .09-2003.08
1.8 DI, Year of Construction 09.2000 - 08.2003, 1753 ccm, 75 PS
KA Hatchback (RB)
Chassis No.
1996 .02-2003.08
1.3, Year of Construction 02.1996 - 08.2003, 1299 ccm, 60 PS
1996 .04-1999.10
1.4 i, Year of Construction 04.1996 - 10.1999, 1388 ccm, 90 PS
1996 .02-2002.04
1.8 D, Year of Construction 02.1996 - 04.2002, 1753 ccm, 60 PS
2000 .09-2003.08
1.8 DI, Year of Construction 09.2000 - 08.2003, 1753 ccm, 75 PS
1999 .09-2008.11
1.0 i, Year of Construction 09.1999 - 11.2008, 999 ccm, 65 PS
1998 .06-2008.11
1.3 i, Year of Construction 06.1998 - 11.2008, 1299 ccm, 49 PS
1996 .09-2002.10
1.3 i, Year of Construction 09.1996 - 10.2002, 1299 ccm, 50 PS
1996 .09-2008.11
1.3 i, Year of Construction 09.1996 - 11.2008, 1299 ccm, 60 PS
2002 .08-2008.11
1.3 i, Year of Construction 08.2002 - 11.2008, 1299 ccm, 70 PS
2005 .11-2008.09
1.6 i, Year of Construction 11.2005 - 09.2008, 1597 ccm, 96 PS
Escort Express '91 (AVF)
Chassis No.
1999 .09-2008.11
1.0 i, Year of Construction 09.1999 - 11.2008, 999 ccm, 65 PS
1998 .06-2008.11
1.3 i, Year of Construction 06.1998 - 11.2008, 1299 ccm, 49 PS
1996 .09-2002.10
1.3 i, Year of Construction 09.1996 - 10.2002, 1299 ccm, 50 PS
1996 .09-2008.11
1.3 i, Year of Construction 09.1996 - 11.2008, 1299 ccm, 60 PS
2002 .08-2008.11
1.3 i, Year of Construction 08.2002 - 11.2008, 1299 ccm, 70 PS
2005 .11-2008.09
1.6 i, Year of Construction 11.2005 - 09.2008, 1597 ccm, 96 PS
1990 .07-1994.12
1.3, Year of Construction 07.1990 - 12.1994, 1299 ccm, 63 PS
1990 .07-1994.12
1.4, Year of Construction 07.1990 - 12.1994, 1391 ccm, 71 PS
1990 .07-1994.12
1.8 D, Year of Construction 07.1990 - 12.1994, 1753 ccm, 60 PS
Escort Express '95 (AVL)
Chassis No.
1990 .07-1994.12
1.3, Year of Construction 07.1990 - 12.1994, 1299 ccm, 63 PS
1990 .07-1994.12
1.4, Year of Construction 07.1990 - 12.1994, 1391 ccm, 71 PS
1990 .07-1994.12
1.8 D, Year of Construction 07.1990 - 12.1994, 1753 ccm, 60 PS
1995 .01-1997.08
1.3, Year of Construction 01.1995 - 08.1997, 1299 ccm, 60 PS
1995 .01-2000.08
1.4, Year of Construction 01.1995 - 08.2000, 1391 ccm, 73 PS
1995 .01-2000.08
1.8 D, Year of Construction 01.1995 - 08.2000, 1753 ccm, 60 PS
1995 .01-2000.08
1.8 TD, Year of Construction 01.1995 - 08.2000, 1753 ccm, 90 PS
1995 .12-2001.06
1.8 Turbo D, Year of Construction 12.1995 - 06.2001, 1753 ccm, 70 PS
Fiesta Mk2 Van (FVD)
Chassis No.
1995 .01-1997.08
1.3, Year of Construction 01.1995 - 08.1997, 1299 ccm, 60 PS
1995 .01-2000.08
1.4, Year of Construction 01.1995 - 08.2000, 1391 ccm, 73 PS
1995 .01-2000.08
1.8 D, Year of Construction 01.1995 - 08.2000, 1753 ccm, 60 PS
1995 .01-2000.08
1.8 TD, Year of Construction 01.1995 - 08.2000, 1753 ccm, 90 PS
1995 .12-2001.06
1.8 Turbo D, Year of Construction 12.1995 - 06.2001, 1753 ccm, 70 PS
1989 .03-1995.12
1.8 D, Year of Construction 03.1989 - 12.1995, 1753 ccm, 60 PS
Fiesta Mk3 Courier (F3L, F5L)
Chassis No.
1989 .03-1995.12
1.8 D, Year of Construction 03.1989 - 12.1995, 1753 ccm, 60 PS
1989 .04-1991.12
1.0, Year of Construction 04.1989 - 12.1991, 999 ccm, 45 PS
1991 .12-1995.08
1.1, Year of Construction 12.1991 - 08.1995, 1119 ccm, 50 PS
1991 .09-1996.02
1.3, Year of Construction 09.1991 - 02.1996, 1299 ccm, 60 PS
1991 .09-1996.02
1.8 D, Year of Construction 09.1991 - 02.1996, 1753 ccm, 60 PS
Chassis No.
1990 .07-1992.12
1.4, Year of Construction 07.1990 - 12.1992, 1392 ccm, 71 PS
1990 .07-1992.12
1.6, Year of Construction 07.1990 - 12.1992, 1598 ccm, 105 PS
1992 .02-1992.12
1.8 16V XR3i, Year of Construction 02.1992 - 12.1992, 1796 ccm, 105 PS
Fiesta Mk4 Van (JVS)
Chassis No.
1997 .11-2000.10
1.4 16V, Year of Construction 11.1997 - 10.2000, 1388 ccm, 90 PS
2000 .08-2002.06
1.6 16V, Year of Construction 08.2000 - 06.2002, 1596 ccm, 103 PS
1997 .03-2002.06
1.7 16V, Year of Construction 03.1997 - 06.2002, 1679 ccm, 125 PS
1999 .06-2002.06
1.7 ST 160, Year of Construction 06.1999 - 06.2002, 1679 ccm, 160 PS
1998 .08-2002.04
1.4, Year of Construction 08.1998 - 04.2002, 1388 ccm, 90 PS
1998 .05-2002.04
D 1.8, Year of Construction 05.1998 - 04.2002, 1753 ccm, 60 PS
2000 .03-2003.08
TD 1.8, Year of Construction 03.2000 - 08.2003, 1753 ccm, 75 PS
Escort Classic Hatchback (AAL, ABL)
Chassis No.
1998 .08-2002.04
1.4, Year of Construction 08.1998 - 04.2002, 1388 ccm, 90 PS
1998 .05-2002.04
D 1.8, Year of Construction 05.1998 - 04.2002, 1753 ccm, 60 PS
2000 .03-2003.08
TD 1.8, Year of Construction 03.2000 - 08.2003, 1753 ccm, 75 PS
Escort Classic Estate (ANL)
Chassis No.
1998 .10-2000.07
1.6 16V, Year of Construction 10.1998 - 07.2000, 1597 ccm, 90 PS
1998 .10-2000.07
1.8 TD, Year of Construction 10.1998 - 07.2000, 1753 ccm, 90 PS
1999 .02-2000.07
1.6 16V, Year of Construction 02.1999 - 07.2000, 1597 ccm, 90 PS
1999 .02-2000.07
1.8 TD, Year of Construction 02.1999 - 07.2000, 1753 ccm, 90 PS
Courier Pickup (J3, J5)
Chassis No.
1999 .02-2000.07
1.6 16V, Year of Construction 02.1999 - 07.2000, 1597 ccm, 90 PS
1999 .02-2000.07
1.8 TD, Year of Construction 02.1999 - 07.2000, 1753 ccm, 90 PS
2001 .08-2011.12
1.6, Year of Construction 08.2001 - 12.2011, 1596 ccm, 101 PS
1999 .06-2002.02
1.8 D, Year of Construction 06.1999 - 02.2002, 1753 ccm, 60 PS
121 III Hatchback (JASM, JBSM)
Chassis No.
1996 .03-2003.04
1.25, Year of Construction 03.1996 - 04.2003, 1242 ccm, 75 PS
1996 .03-2003.04
1.8 D, Year of Construction 03.1996 - 04.2003, 1753 ccm, 60 PS