首頁> 发动机系统> 三角带> 6605

三角带  6605







Chassis No.
1989 .07-1994.08
1222 (Year of Construction 07.1989 - 08.1994, 10964 ccm, PS)
1989 .09-1994.07
1222 A, 1222 LA (Year of Construction 09.1989 - 07.1994, 10964 ccm, PS)
1989 .07-1994.08
1222 F (Year of Construction 07.1989 - 08.1994, 10964 ccm, PS)
1989 .07-1994.08
1222 S, 1222 LS (Year of Construction 07.1989 - 08.1994, 10964 ccm, PS)
1993 .02-1996.09
1224 AF (Year of Construction 02.1993 - 09.1996, 9572 ccm, PS)
1993 .02-1996.09
1226 AF (Year of Construction 02.1993 - 09.1996, 9572 ccm, PS)
1990 .02-1993.09
1226 AF (Year of Construction 02.1990 - 09.1993, 15080 ccm, PS)
1992 .01-1992.07
1227 A (Year of Construction 01.1992 - 07.1992, 9572 ccm, PS)
1992 .01-1996.09
1234 AF (Year of Construction 01.1992 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1993 .02-1994.08
1422 (Year of Construction 02.1993 - 08.1994, 9572 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
1422 S,1422 LS (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 11310 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
1422,1422 L (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 11310 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
1424 S,1424 LS (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 9600 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
1424 S,1424 LS (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 10960 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
1424,1424 L (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 9600 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
1424,1424 L (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 10960 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
1426 S,1426 LS (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 15080 ccm, PS)
1993 .02-1996.09
1427 (Year of Construction 02.1993 - 09.1996, 9572 ccm, PS)
1993 .02-1996.09
1427 F (Year of Construction 02.1993 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
1427 L (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 9572 ccm, PS)
1993 .02-1996.09
1427 LS (Year of Construction 02.1993 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1993 .02-1996.09
1427 S, 1427 LS (Year of Construction 02.1993 - 09.1996, 9572 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.08
1431 (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 08.1996, 15080 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.08
1431 (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 08.1996, 9572 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.08
1431 F (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 08.1996, 9572 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
1624 S (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 10960 ccm, PS)
1988 .12-1994.08
1720 L (Year of Construction 12.1988 - 08.1994, 11309 ccm, PS)
1988 .08-1994.08
1722 (Year of Construction 08.1988 - 08.1994, 11309 ccm, PS)
1988 .12-1994.08
1722 AK (Year of Construction 12.1988 - 08.1994, 11309 ccm, PS)
1988 .12-1994.08
1722 K (Year of Construction 12.1988 - 08.1994, 11309 ccm, PS)
1988 .12-1994.08
1722 K (Year of Construction 12.1988 - 08.1994, 9572 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
1722,1722 L, 1722 LL (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 11309 ccm, PS)
1989 .06-1994.08
1726 AK (Year of Construction 06.1989 - 08.1994, 15080 ccm, PS)
1988 .12-1994.08
1726 K (Year of Construction 12.1988 - 08.1994, 15080 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
1726 LL (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 9572 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
1726 S,1726 LS (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 15080 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
1726,1726 L, 1726 LL (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 15080 ccm, PS)
1988 .12-1994.08
1727 L (Year of Construction 12.1988 - 08.1994, 9572 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
1729 (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 15080 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
1729 LS (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 15080 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
1733,1733 L, 1734 L (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1994 .01-1996.09
1824 (Year of Construction 01.1994 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1992 .08-1996.09
1824 (Year of Construction 08.1992 - 09.1996, 9572 ccm, PS)
1992 .08-1996.09
1824 AK (Year of Construction 08.1992 - 09.1996, 9572 ccm, PS)
1994 .01-1996.09
1824 AK (Year of Construction 01.1994 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1992 .08-1996.09
1824 K (Year of Construction 08.1992 - 09.1996, 9572 ccm, PS)
1994 .01-1996.09
1824 K (Year of Construction 01.1994 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
1824,1824 L (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 10960 ccm, PS)
1992 .08-1996.09
1827 AK (Year of Construction 08.1992 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1994 .01-1996.09
1827 K (Year of Construction 01.1994 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
1827 S,1827 LS (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
1827,1827 L (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1988 .12-1994.08
1831 K (Year of Construction 12.1988 - 08.1994, 9572 ccm, PS)
1988 .12-1994.08
1831 K (Year of Construction 12.1988 - 08.1994, 12763 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
1831 S,1831 LS (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 9572 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
1831 S,1831 LS (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
1831,1831 L (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 9572 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
1831,1831 L (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
1834 S,1834 LS (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
1834,1834 L (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
1926 (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 15080 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
2327 L (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 9572 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
2327 L (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1989 .09-1994.08
2422 B (Year of Construction 09.1989 - 08.1994, 11309 ccm, PS)
1989 .09-1994.08
2422 K (Year of Construction 09.1989 - 08.1994, 11309 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
2422,2422 L (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 11309 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
2422,2422 L (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 11309 ccm, PS)
1990 .01-1994.08
2426 (Year of Construction 01.1990 - 08.1994, 15080 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
2426 (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 15080 ccm, PS)
1990 .02-1994.08
2426 B (Year of Construction 02.1990 - 08.1994, 15080 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
2426 L (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 15080 ccm, PS)
1990 .02-1994.08
2426 L (Year of Construction 02.1990 - 08.1994, 9572 ccm, PS)
1990 .02-1994.08
2426 L (Year of Construction 02.1990 - 08.1994, 10964 ccm, PS)
1990 .02-1994.08
2426, 2426 L (Year of Construction 02.1990 - 08.1994, 15080 ccm, PS)
1990 .02-1994.08
2427 B (Year of Construction 02.1990 - 08.1994, 9572 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
2427 L (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 9572 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
2431 (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 9572 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
2431 (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 9572 ccm, PS)
1989 .09-1992.07
2433 K (Year of Construction 09.1989 - 07.1992, 10964 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
2433 L (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
2433 S (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
2433 S,2433 LS (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
2433,2433 L, 2434 L (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1992 .06-1996.09
2524 (Year of Construction 06.1992 - 09.1996, 9600 ccm, PS)
1994 .01-1996.09
2524 (Year of Construction 01.1994 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1992 .06-1996.09
2524 K (Year of Construction 06.1992 - 09.1996, 9600 ccm, PS)
1994 .01-1996.09
2524 K (Year of Construction 01.1994 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
2524 L (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 9572 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
2524 L (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 10960 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
2524,2524 L (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 9600 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
2524,2524 L (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1993 .10-1996.09
2527 (Year of Construction 10.1993 - 09.1996, 9572 ccm, PS)
1994 .01-1996.09
2527 (Year of Construction 01.1994 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1991 .03-1996.09
2527 B (Year of Construction 03.1991 - 09.1996, 9572 ccm, PS)
1994 .01-1996.09
2527 B (Year of Construction 01.1994 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1993 .10-1996.09
2527 K (Year of Construction 10.1993 - 09.1996, 9572 ccm, PS)
1994 .01-1996.09
2527 K (Year of Construction 01.1994 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1991 .03-1994.08
2527 L (Year of Construction 03.1991 - 08.1994, 15078 ccm, PS)
1992 .09-1996.09
2527 L (Year of Construction 09.1992 - 09.1996, 9572 ccm, PS)
1994 .01-1996.09
2527 L (Year of Construction 01.1994 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
2527 L (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 9572 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
2527 L (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
2531 B (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 9572 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
2531 L (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
2531 L (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 9572 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
2531 L (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 9572 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
2531,2531 L (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 9572 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
2531,2531 L (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
2531,2531 L (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 9572 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
2531,2531 L (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1991 .01-1996.09
2534 K (Year of Construction 01.1991 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
2534 L (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
2534 S,2534 LS (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
2534,2534 L (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
3231 L (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 9572 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
3231 L (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
Chassis No.
1989 .07-1994.08
1222 (Year of Construction 07.1989 - 08.1994, 10964 ccm, PS)
1989 .09-1994.07
1222 A, 1222 LA (Year of Construction 09.1989 - 07.1994, 10964 ccm, PS)
1989 .07-1994.08
1222 F (Year of Construction 07.1989 - 08.1994, 10964 ccm, PS)
1989 .07-1994.08
1222 S, 1222 LS (Year of Construction 07.1989 - 08.1994, 10964 ccm, PS)
1993 .02-1996.09
1224 AF (Year of Construction 02.1993 - 09.1996, 9572 ccm, PS)
1993 .02-1996.09
1226 AF (Year of Construction 02.1993 - 09.1996, 9572 ccm, PS)
1990 .02-1993.09
1226 AF (Year of Construction 02.1990 - 09.1993, 15080 ccm, PS)
1992 .01-1992.07
1227 A (Year of Construction 01.1992 - 07.1992, 9572 ccm, PS)
1992 .01-1996.09
1234 AF (Year of Construction 01.1992 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1993 .02-1994.08
1422 (Year of Construction 02.1993 - 08.1994, 9572 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
1422 S,1422 LS (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 11310 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
1422,1422 L (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 11310 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
1424 S,1424 LS (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 9600 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
1424 S,1424 LS (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 10960 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
1424,1424 L (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 9600 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
1424,1424 L (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 10960 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
1426 S,1426 LS (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 15080 ccm, PS)
1993 .02-1996.09
1427 (Year of Construction 02.1993 - 09.1996, 9572 ccm, PS)
1993 .02-1996.09
1427 F (Year of Construction 02.1993 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
1427 L (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 9572 ccm, PS)
1993 .02-1996.09
1427 LS (Year of Construction 02.1993 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1993 .02-1996.09
1427 S, 1427 LS (Year of Construction 02.1993 - 09.1996, 9572 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.08
1431 (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 08.1996, 15080 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.08
1431 (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 08.1996, 9572 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.08
1431 F (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 08.1996, 9572 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
1624 S (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 10960 ccm, PS)
1988 .12-1994.08
1720 L (Year of Construction 12.1988 - 08.1994, 11309 ccm, PS)
1988 .08-1994.08
1722 (Year of Construction 08.1988 - 08.1994, 11309 ccm, PS)
1988 .12-1994.08
1722 AK (Year of Construction 12.1988 - 08.1994, 11309 ccm, PS)
1988 .12-1994.08
1722 K (Year of Construction 12.1988 - 08.1994, 11309 ccm, PS)
1988 .12-1994.08
1722 K (Year of Construction 12.1988 - 08.1994, 9572 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
1722,1722 L, 1722 LL (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 11309 ccm, PS)
1989 .06-1994.08
1726 AK (Year of Construction 06.1989 - 08.1994, 15080 ccm, PS)
1988 .12-1994.08
1726 K (Year of Construction 12.1988 - 08.1994, 15080 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
1726 LL (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 9572 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
1726 S,1726 LS (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 15080 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
1726,1726 L, 1726 LL (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 15080 ccm, PS)
1988 .12-1994.08
1727 L (Year of Construction 12.1988 - 08.1994, 9572 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
1729 (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 15080 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
1729 LS (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 15080 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
1733,1733 L, 1734 L (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1994 .01-1996.09
1824 (Year of Construction 01.1994 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1992 .08-1996.09
1824 (Year of Construction 08.1992 - 09.1996, 9572 ccm, PS)
1992 .08-1996.09
1824 AK (Year of Construction 08.1992 - 09.1996, 9572 ccm, PS)
1994 .01-1996.09
1824 AK (Year of Construction 01.1994 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1992 .08-1996.09
1824 K (Year of Construction 08.1992 - 09.1996, 9572 ccm, PS)
1994 .01-1996.09
1824 K (Year of Construction 01.1994 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
1824,1824 L (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 10960 ccm, PS)
1992 .08-1996.09
1827 AK (Year of Construction 08.1992 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1994 .01-1996.09
1827 K (Year of Construction 01.1994 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
1827 S,1827 LS (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
1827,1827 L (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1988 .12-1994.08
1831 K (Year of Construction 12.1988 - 08.1994, 9572 ccm, PS)
1988 .12-1994.08
1831 K (Year of Construction 12.1988 - 08.1994, 12763 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
1831 S,1831 LS (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 9572 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
1831 S,1831 LS (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
1831,1831 L (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 9572 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
1831,1831 L (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
1834 S,1834 LS (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
1834,1834 L (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
1926 (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 15080 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
2327 L (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 9572 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
2327 L (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1989 .09-1994.08
2422 B (Year of Construction 09.1989 - 08.1994, 11309 ccm, PS)
1989 .09-1994.08
2422 K (Year of Construction 09.1989 - 08.1994, 11309 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
2422,2422 L (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 11309 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
2422,2422 L (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 11309 ccm, PS)
1990 .01-1994.08
2426 (Year of Construction 01.1990 - 08.1994, 15080 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
2426 (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 15080 ccm, PS)
1990 .02-1994.08
2426 B (Year of Construction 02.1990 - 08.1994, 15080 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
2426 L (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 15080 ccm, PS)
1990 .02-1994.08
2426 L (Year of Construction 02.1990 - 08.1994, 9572 ccm, PS)
1990 .02-1994.08
2426 L (Year of Construction 02.1990 - 08.1994, 10964 ccm, PS)
1990 .02-1994.08
2426, 2426 L (Year of Construction 02.1990 - 08.1994, 15080 ccm, PS)
1990 .02-1994.08
2427 B (Year of Construction 02.1990 - 08.1994, 9572 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
2427 L (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 9572 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
2431 (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 9572 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
2431 (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 9572 ccm, PS)
1989 .09-1992.07
2433 K (Year of Construction 09.1989 - 07.1992, 10964 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
2433 L (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
2433 S (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
2433 S,2433 LS (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
2433,2433 L, 2434 L (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1992 .06-1996.09
2524 (Year of Construction 06.1992 - 09.1996, 9600 ccm, PS)
1994 .01-1996.09
2524 (Year of Construction 01.1994 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1992 .06-1996.09
2524 K (Year of Construction 06.1992 - 09.1996, 9600 ccm, PS)
1994 .01-1996.09
2524 K (Year of Construction 01.1994 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
2524 L (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 9572 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
2524 L (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 10960 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
2524,2524 L (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 9600 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
2524,2524 L (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
2524,2524 L (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 9600 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
2524,2524 L (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1993 .10-1996.09
2527 (Year of Construction 10.1993 - 09.1996, 9572 ccm, PS)
1994 .01-1996.09
2527 (Year of Construction 01.1994 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1991 .03-1996.09
2527 B (Year of Construction 03.1991 - 09.1996, 9572 ccm, PS)
1994 .01-1996.09
2527 B (Year of Construction 01.1994 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1993 .10-1996.09
2527 K (Year of Construction 10.1993 - 09.1996, 9572 ccm, PS)
1994 .01-1996.09
2527 K (Year of Construction 01.1994 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1991 .03-1994.08
2527 L (Year of Construction 03.1991 - 08.1994, 15078 ccm, PS)
1992 .09-1996.09
2527 L (Year of Construction 09.1992 - 09.1996, 9572 ccm, PS)
1994 .01-1996.09
2527 L (Year of Construction 01.1994 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
2527 L (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 9572 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
2527 L (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
2531 B (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 9572 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
2531 L (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
2531 L (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 9572 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
2531 L (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 9572 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
2531,2531 L (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 9572 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
2531,2531 L (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
2531,2531 L (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 9572 ccm, PS)
1991 .01-1996.09
2534 K (Year of Construction 01.1991 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
2534 L (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
2534 S,2534 LS (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
2534,2534 L (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
3231 L (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 9572 ccm, PS)
1987 .12-1996.09
3231 L (Year of Construction 12.1987 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
1728, 1729, 1729 L (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 15080 ccm, PS)
1988 .07-1993.09
1729 AK (Year of Construction 07.1988 - 09.1993, 15080 ccm, PS)
1988 .07-1994.08
1729 K (Year of Construction 07.1988 - 08.1994, 15080 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
1729 S,1729 LS (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 15080 ccm, PS)
1989 .08-1994.08
1735 AK (Year of Construction 08.1989 - 08.1994, 14618 ccm, PS)
1988 .07-1994.08
1735 K (Year of Construction 07.1988 - 08.1994, 14618 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
1735 S,1735 LS (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
1735,1735 L (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
1748 S,1748 LS (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
1748,1748 L (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1991 .05-1996.09
1831 AK (Year of Construction 05.1991 - 09.1996, 9572 ccm, PS)
1994 .01-1996.09
1831 AK (Year of Construction 01.1994 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1992 .07-1996.09
1831 K (Year of Construction 07.1992 - 09.1996, 9572 ccm, PS)
1992 .07-1996.09
1831 K (Year of Construction 07.1992 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
1831 S,1831 LS (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 9572 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
1831 S,1831 LS (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
1831,1831 L (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 9572 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
1831,1831 L (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
1834 S,1834 LS (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
1834,1834 L (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1992 .12-1996.09
1838 AK (Year of Construction 12.1992 - 09.1996, 12763 ccm, PS)
1994 .01-1996.09
1838 AK (Year of Construction 01.1994 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1990 .12-1996.09
1838 K (Year of Construction 12.1990 - 09.1996, 12763 ccm, PS)
1995 .06-1996.09
1838 K (Year of Construction 06.1995 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
1838 S,1838 LS (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 12763 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
1838 S,1838 LS (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
1838,1838 L (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 12763 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
1838,1838 L (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1991 .07-1992.07
1840 LS (Year of Construction 07.1991 - 07.1992, 12763 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
1844 S,1844 LS (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
1844,1844 L (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1988 .07-1994.08
1850 K (Year of Construction 07.1988 - 08.1994, 14618 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
1850 LAS (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
1850 S,1850 LS (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
1850,1850 L (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1996 .01-1996.09
1853 AK (Year of Construction 01.1996 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
1853 S,1853 LS (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
1853,1853 L (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1989 .05-1994.08
1922 (Year of Construction 05.1989 - 08.1994, 11310 ccm, PS)
1989 .08-1994.08
1922 AK (Year of Construction 08.1989 - 08.1994, 11310 ccm, PS)
1989 .05-1994.08
1922 K (Year of Construction 05.1989 - 08.1994, 11310 ccm, PS)
1989 .05-1994.08
1922 S (Year of Construction 05.1989 - 08.1994, 11310 ccm, PS)
1988 .07-1994.08
1929 A (Year of Construction 07.1988 - 08.1994, 15080 ccm, PS)
1988 .07-1994.08
1929 A (Year of Construction 07.1988 - 08.1994, 18270 ccm, PS)
1988 .07-1994.08
1929 AK (Year of Construction 07.1988 - 08.1994, 15080 ccm, PS)
1988 .07-1994.08
1929 AS (Year of Construction 07.1988 - 08.1994, 15080 ccm, PS)
1988 .07-1994.08
1929 K (Year of Construction 07.1988 - 08.1994, 15080 ccm, PS)
1988 .07-1994.08
1929 S (Year of Construction 07.1988 - 08.1994, 15080 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
1929,1929 L (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 15080 ccm, PS)
1989 .05-1994.08
1935 (Year of Construction 05.1989 - 08.1994, 14620 ccm, PS)
1989 .05-1994.08
1935 AK (Year of Construction 05.1989 - 08.1994, 14620 ccm, PS)
1989 .05-1994.08
1935 AS (Year of Construction 05.1989 - 08.1994, 14620 ccm, PS)
1989 .05-1994.08
1935 K (Year of Construction 05.1989 - 08.1994, 14620 ccm, PS)
1989 .05-1994.08
1935 S (Year of Construction 05.1989 - 08.1994, 14620 ccm, PS)
1988 .07-1994.08
1945 AK (Year of Construction 07.1988 - 08.1994, 18270 ccm, PS)
1988 .09-1992.07
1948 (Year of Construction 09.1988 - 07.1992, 14618 ccm, PS)
1993 .02-1996.09
2024 (Year of Construction 02.1993 - 09.1996, 9600 ccm, PS)
1994 .01-1996.09
2024 (Year of Construction 01.1994 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1993 .02-1996.09
2024 AK (Year of Construction 02.1993 - 09.1996, 9600 ccm, PS)
1994 .01-1996.09
2024 AK (Year of Construction 01.1994 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1993 .02-1996.09
2024 K (Year of Construction 02.1993 - 09.1996, 9600 ccm, PS)
1994 .01-1996.09
2024 K (Year of Construction 01.1994 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1993 .02-1996.09
2027 AK (Year of Construction 02.1993 - 09.1996, 9572 ccm, PS)
1993 .02-1996.09
2027 AK (Year of Construction 02.1993 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1992 .03-1996.09
2031 (Year of Construction 03.1992 - 09.1996, 9572 ccm, PS)
1992 .03-1996.09
2031 A (Year of Construction 03.1992 - 09.1996, 9572 ccm, PS)
1994 .01-1996.09
2031 A (Year of Construction 01.1994 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1992 .03-1996.09
2031 A (Year of Construction 03.1992 - 09.1996, 12763 ccm, PS)
1994 .01-1996.09
2031 A (Year of Construction 01.1994 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1992 .03-1996.09
2031 AS (Year of Construction 03.1992 - 09.1996, 9572 ccm, PS)
1992 .03-1996.09
2031 K (Year of Construction 03.1992 - 09.1996, 9572 ccm, PS)
1992 .03-1996.09
2031 K (Year of Construction 03.1992 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1992 .03-1996.09
2031 S (Year of Construction 03.1992 - 09.1996, 9572 ccm, PS)
1991 .11-1996.09
2038 (Year of Construction 11.1991 - 09.1996, 12763 ccm, PS)
1992 .12-...
2038 (Year of Construction 12.1992 - ..., 14618 ccm, PS)
1992 .12-1996.09
2038 AS (Year of Construction 12.1992 - 09.1996, 12763 ccm, PS)
1994 .01-1996.09
2038 AS (Year of Construction 01.1994 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1991 .11-1996.09
2038 S (Year of Construction 11.1991 - 09.1996, 12763 ccm, PS)
1992 .01-1996.09
2044 (Year of Construction 01.1992 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1994 .01-1996.09
2044 AS (Year of Construction 01.1994 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1992 .01-1996.09
2044 S (Year of Construction 01.1992 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1991 .01-1996.09
2050 (Year of Construction 01.1991 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1991 .01-1996.09
2050 S (Year of Construction 01.1991 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1992 .01-1996.09
2055 AF (Year of Construction 01.1992 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1988 .07-1994.08
2429 (Year of Construction 07.1988 - 08.1994, 15080 ccm, PS)
1988 .07-1994.08
2429 K (Year of Construction 07.1988 - 08.1994, 15080 ccm, PS)
1988 .07-1994.08
2429 S (Year of Construction 07.1988 - 08.1994, 15080 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
2429 S,2429 LS (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 15080 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
2429, 2429 L (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 15080 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
2429,2429 L (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 15080 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
2434 L (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
2435 (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1988 .07-1994.08
2435 (Year of Construction 07.1988 - 08.1994, 14618 ccm, PS)
1988 .07-1994.08
2435 K (Year of Construction 07.1988 - 08.1994, 14618 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
2435 LS (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1988 .07-1994.08
2435 S (Year of Construction 07.1988 - 08.1994, 14618 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
2435 S,2435 LS (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
2435 S,2435 LS (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
2435,2435 L (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1988 .07-1992.07
2448 (Year of Construction 07.1988 - 07.1992, 14618 ccm, PS)
1988 .07-1992.07
2448 LS (Year of Construction 07.1988 - 07.1992, 14618 ccm, PS)
1988 .07-1992.07
2448 S (Year of Construction 07.1988 - 07.1992, 14618 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
2448,2448 L (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1991 .05-1996.09
2531 (Year of Construction 05.1991 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1991 .05-1996.09
2531 (Year of Construction 05.1991 - 09.1996, 9572 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
2531, 2531 L (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 9572 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
2531, 2531 L (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
2534, 2534 L (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1991 .03-1996.09
2538 (Year of Construction 03.1991 - 09.1996, 12763 ccm, PS)
1994 .01-1996.09
2538 (Year of Construction 01.1994 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1991 .03-1996.09
2538 (Year of Construction 03.1991 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1991 .03-1996.09
2538 K, 2538 LK (Year of Construction 03.1991 - 09.1996, 12763 ccm, PS)
1994 .01-1996.09
2538 K, 2538 LK (Year of Construction 01.1994 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
2538 S,2538 LS (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 12763 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
2538 S,2538 LS (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
2538,2538 L (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 12763 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
2538,2538 L (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1994 .01-1996.09
2544 (Year of Construction 01.1994 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1992 .01-1996.09
2544 LS (Year of Construction 01.1992 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1988 .07-1994.08
2544 S (Year of Construction 07.1988 - 08.1994, 14618 ccm, PS)
1992 .01-1996.09
2544, 2544 L (Year of Construction 01.1992 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
2544,2544 L (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1991 .01-1996.09
2550 (Year of Construction 01.1991 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1991 .01-1996.09
2550 S, 2550 LS (Year of Construction 01.1991 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
2550,2550 L (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1996 .01-1996.09
2553 S, 2553 LS (Year of Construction 01.1996 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
2553,2553 L (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1988 .07-1994.08
2629 (Year of Construction 07.1988 - 08.1994, 15080 ccm, PS)
1988 .07-1994.08
2629 A (Year of Construction 07.1988 - 08.1994, 15080 ccm, PS)
1988 .07-1994.08
2629 A (Year of Construction 07.1988 - 08.1994, 14618 ccm, PS)
1988 .07-1994.08
2629 A (Year of Construction 07.1988 - 08.1994, 14618 ccm, PS)
1988 .07-1994.08
2629 AK (Year of Construction 07.1988 - 08.1994, 15080 ccm, PS)
1988 .07-1994.08
2629 AK (Year of Construction 07.1988 - 08.1994, 14618 ccm, PS)
1988 .07-1994.08
2629 AK (Year of Construction 07.1988 - 08.1994, 14618 ccm, PS)
1988 .07-1994.08
2629 AS (Year of Construction 07.1988 - 08.1994, 15080 ccm, PS)
1988 .07-1994.08
2629 AS (Year of Construction 07.1988 - 08.1994, 14618 ccm, PS)
1988 .07-1994.08
2629 B (Year of Construction 07.1988 - 08.1994, 15080 ccm, PS)
1988 .07-1994.08
2629 K (Year of Construction 07.1988 - 08.1994, 15080 ccm, PS)
1988 .07-1994.08
2629 S (Year of Construction 07.1988 - 08.1994, 15080 ccm, PS)
1992 .06-1996.09
2631 (Year of Construction 06.1992 - 09.1996, 9572 ccm, PS)
1992 .06-1996.09
2631 (Year of Construction 06.1992 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1994 .01-1996.09
2631 A (Year of Construction 01.1994 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1994 .01-1996.09
2631 AK, 2634 AK (Year of Construction 01.1994 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1992 .06-1996.09
2631 B (Year of Construction 06.1992 - 09.1996, 9572 ccm, PS)
1988 .07-1994.08
2631 K (Year of Construction 07.1988 - 08.1994, 9572 ccm, PS)
1988 .07-1994.08
2631 K (Year of Construction 07.1988 - 08.1994, 10964 ccm, PS)
1992 .06-1996.09
2631 S (Year of Construction 06.1992 - 09.1996, 9572 ccm, PS)
1992 .06-1996.09
2631 S (Year of Construction 06.1992 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1992 .06-1996.09
2634 (Year of Construction 06.1992 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1992 .06-1996.09
2634 S (Year of Construction 06.1992 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1988 .07-1994.08
2635 (Year of Construction 07.1988 - 08.1994, 14618 ccm, PS)
1991 .01-1994.08
2635 (Year of Construction 01.1991 - 08.1994, 14618 ccm, PS)
1990 .02-1994.08
2635 A (Year of Construction 02.1990 - 08.1994, 14618 ccm, PS)
1991 .12-1994.08
2635 A (Year of Construction 12.1991 - 08.1994, 14618 ccm, PS)
1990 .02-1994.08
2635 AK (Year of Construction 02.1990 - 08.1994, 14618 ccm, PS)
1990 .02-1994.08
2635 AK (Year of Construction 02.1990 - 08.1994, 14618 ccm, PS)
1992 .02-1994.08
2635 AS (Year of Construction 02.1992 - 08.1994, 14618 ccm, PS)
1990 .02-1996.09
2635 AS (Year of Construction 02.1990 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1988 .07-1994.08
2635 K (Year of Construction 07.1988 - 08.1994, 14618 ccm, PS)
1991 .01-1994.08
2635 K (Year of Construction 01.1991 - 08.1994, 12763 ccm, PS)
1991 .07-1994.08
2635 K (Year of Construction 07.1991 - 08.1994, 14618 ccm, PS)
1988 .07-1994.08
2635 K (Year of Construction 07.1988 - 08.1994, 14618 ccm, PS)
1988 .07-1994.08
2635 S (Year of Construction 07.1988 - 08.1994, 14618 ccm, PS)
1988 .07-1994.08
2635 S (Year of Construction 07.1988 - 08.1994, 14618 ccm, PS)
1991 .09-1996.09
2638 A, LA (Year of Construction 09.1991 - 09.1996, 12763 ccm, PS)
1991 .09-1996.09
2638 A, LA (Year of Construction 09.1991 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1994 .01-1996.09
2638 AK (Year of Construction 01.1994 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1994 .01-1996.09
2638 AS (Year of Construction 01.1994 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1991 .09-1996.09
2638 K (Year of Construction 09.1991 - 09.1996, 12763 ccm, PS)
1991 .09-1996.09
2638 K (Year of Construction 09.1991 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1991 .09-1996.09
2638, 2638 L (Year of Construction 09.1991 - 09.1996, 12763 ccm, PS)
1991 .09-1996.09
2638, 2638 L (Year of Construction 09.1991 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1992 .01-1996.09
2644 A (Year of Construction 01.1992 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1992 .01-1996.09
2644 S (Year of Construction 01.1992 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1992 .01-1996.09
2644, 2644 L (Year of Construction 01.1992 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1990 .02-1994.08
2648 AK (Year of Construction 02.1990 - 08.1994, 14618 ccm, PS)
1988 .07-1994.08
2648 AS (Year of Construction 07.1988 - 08.1994, 14618 ccm, PS)
1988 .12-1992.07
2648 S (Year of Construction 12.1988 - 07.1992, 14618 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
2650 A (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1988 .07-1994.08
2650 AK (Year of Construction 07.1988 - 08.1994, 14618 ccm, PS)
1994 .01-1996.09
2650 AS (Year of Construction 01.1994 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1988 .07-1994.08
2650 K (Year of Construction 07.1988 - 08.1994, 14618 ccm, PS)
1992 .07-1996.09
2650 S (Year of Construction 07.1992 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1992 .07-1996.09
2650, 2650 L (Year of Construction 07.1992 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1992 .07-1996.09
2653 AK (Year of Construction 07.1992 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1995 .09-1996.09
2653, 2653 L (Year of Construction 09.1995 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1994 .01-1996.09
3050 (Year of Construction 01.1994 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1993 .12-1996.09
3053 S (Year of Construction 12.1993 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1989 .09-1994.08
3229 (Year of Construction 09.1989 - 08.1994, 15078 ccm, PS)
1989 .09-1992.07
3229 B (Year of Construction 09.1989 - 07.1992, 15078 ccm, PS)
1989 .09-1992.01
3229 K (Year of Construction 09.1989 - 01.1992, 15078 ccm, PS)
1990 .10-1992.07
3233 B (Year of Construction 10.1990 - 07.1992, 10964 ccm, PS)
1990 .10-1992.07
3233 K (Year of Construction 10.1990 - 07.1992, 10964 ccm, PS)
1992 .02-1996.09
3234 B (Year of Construction 02.1992 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1992 .02-1996.09
3234 K (Year of Construction 02.1992 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1988 .10-1992.07
3235 (Year of Construction 10.1988 - 07.1992, 14618 ccm, PS)
1988 .07-1994.08
3235 (Year of Construction 07.1988 - 08.1994, 14618 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1992.07
3235 K (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 07.1992, 14618 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
3235 L (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1990 .10-1996.09
3238 (Year of Construction 10.1990 - 09.1996, 12763 ccm, PS)
1991 .03-1996.09
3238 (Year of Construction 03.1991 - 09.1996, 12763 ccm, PS)
1991 .03-1996.09
3238 (Year of Construction 03.1991 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
3238 L (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 12763 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
3238 L (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1994 .01-1996.09
3238, 3238 L (Year of Construction 01.1994 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1994 .01-1996.09
3244 (Year of Construction 01.1994 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
3248 (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
3250 L (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1996 .01-1996.09
3253, 3253 L (Year of Construction 01.1996 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1993 .10-1996.09
3534 K (Year of Construction 10.1993 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1988 .07-1994.08
3535 (Year of Construction 07.1988 - 08.1994, 14618 ccm, PS)
1990 .02-1994.08
3535 AK (Year of Construction 02.1990 - 08.1994, 14618 ccm, PS)
1988 .10-1994.08
3535 B (Year of Construction 10.1988 - 08.1994, 14618 ccm, PS)
1988 .10-1994.08
3535 K (Year of Construction 10.1988 - 08.1994, 14618 ccm, PS)
1991 .09-1996.09
3538 (Year of Construction 09.1991 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1991 .03-1996.09
3538 (Year of Construction 03.1991 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1994 .01-1996.09
3538 AK (Year of Construction 01.1994 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1994 .01-1996.09
3538 K (Year of Construction 01.1994 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1992 .05-1996.09
3550 (Year of Construction 05.1992 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1991 .03-1996.09
3550 K (Year of Construction 03.1991 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1992 .05-1996.09
3550 S, 3553 S (Year of Construction 05.1992 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1992 .04-...
3553 S (Year of Construction 04.1992 - ..., 14618 ccm, PS)
1994 .01-1996.09
3553, 3553 L (Year of Construction 01.1994 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1991 .12-1994.08
4844 (Year of Construction 12.1991 - 08.1994, 14618 ccm, PS)
1991 .03-1996.09
4844 K (Year of Construction 03.1991 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
Chassis No.
1987 .07-1996.09
1728, 1729, 1729 L (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 15080 ccm, PS)
1988 .07-1993.09
1729 AK (Year of Construction 07.1988 - 09.1993, 15080 ccm, PS)
1988 .07-1994.08
1729 K (Year of Construction 07.1988 - 08.1994, 15080 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
1729 S,1729 LS (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 15080 ccm, PS)
1989 .08-1994.08
1735 AK (Year of Construction 08.1989 - 08.1994, 14618 ccm, PS)
1988 .07-1994.08
1735 K (Year of Construction 07.1988 - 08.1994, 14618 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
1735 S,1735 LS (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
1735,1735 L (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
1748 S,1748 LS (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
1748,1748 L (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1991 .05-1996.09
1831 AK (Year of Construction 05.1991 - 09.1996, 9572 ccm, PS)
1994 .01-1996.09
1831 AK (Year of Construction 01.1994 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1992 .07-1996.09
1831 K (Year of Construction 07.1992 - 09.1996, 9572 ccm, PS)
1992 .07-1996.09
1831 K (Year of Construction 07.1992 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
1831 S,1831 LS (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 9572 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
1831 S,1831 LS (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
1831,1831 L (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 9572 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
1831,1831 L (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
1834 S,1834 LS (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
1834,1834 L (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1992 .12-1996.09
1838 AK (Year of Construction 12.1992 - 09.1996, 12763 ccm, PS)
1994 .01-1996.09
1838 AK (Year of Construction 01.1994 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1990 .12-1996.09
1838 K (Year of Construction 12.1990 - 09.1996, 12763 ccm, PS)
1995 .06-1996.09
1838 K (Year of Construction 06.1995 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
1838 S,1838 LS (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 12763 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
1838 S,1838 LS (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
1838,1838 L (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 12763 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
1838,1838 L (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1991 .07-1992.07
1840 LS (Year of Construction 07.1991 - 07.1992, 12763 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
1844 S,1844 LS (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
1844,1844 L (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1988 .07-1994.08
1850 K (Year of Construction 07.1988 - 08.1994, 14618 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
1850 LAS (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
1850 S,1850 LS (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
1850,1850 L (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1996 .01-1996.09
1853 AK (Year of Construction 01.1996 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
1853 S,1853 LS (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
1853,1853 L (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1989 .05-1994.08
1922 (Year of Construction 05.1989 - 08.1994, 11310 ccm, PS)
1989 .08-1994.08
1922 AK (Year of Construction 08.1989 - 08.1994, 11310 ccm, PS)
1989 .05-1994.08
1922 K (Year of Construction 05.1989 - 08.1994, 11310 ccm, PS)
1989 .05-1994.08
1922 S (Year of Construction 05.1989 - 08.1994, 11310 ccm, PS)
1988 .07-1994.08
1929 A (Year of Construction 07.1988 - 08.1994, 15080 ccm, PS)
1988 .07-1994.08
1929 A (Year of Construction 07.1988 - 08.1994, 18270 ccm, PS)
1988 .07-1994.08
1929 AK (Year of Construction 07.1988 - 08.1994, 15080 ccm, PS)
1988 .07-1994.08
1929 AS (Year of Construction 07.1988 - 08.1994, 15080 ccm, PS)
1988 .07-1994.08
1929 K (Year of Construction 07.1988 - 08.1994, 15080 ccm, PS)
1988 .07-1994.08
1929 S (Year of Construction 07.1988 - 08.1994, 15080 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
1929,1929 L (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 15080 ccm, PS)
1989 .05-1994.08
1935 (Year of Construction 05.1989 - 08.1994, 14620 ccm, PS)
1989 .05-1994.08
1935 AK (Year of Construction 05.1989 - 08.1994, 14620 ccm, PS)
1989 .05-1994.08
1935 AS (Year of Construction 05.1989 - 08.1994, 14620 ccm, PS)
1989 .05-1994.08
1935 K (Year of Construction 05.1989 - 08.1994, 14620 ccm, PS)
1989 .05-1994.08
1935 S (Year of Construction 05.1989 - 08.1994, 14620 ccm, PS)
1988 .07-1994.08
1945 AK (Year of Construction 07.1988 - 08.1994, 18270 ccm, PS)
1988 .09-1992.07
1948 (Year of Construction 09.1988 - 07.1992, 14618 ccm, PS)
1993 .02-1996.09
2024 (Year of Construction 02.1993 - 09.1996, 9600 ccm, PS)
1994 .01-1996.09
2024 (Year of Construction 01.1994 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1993 .02-1996.09
2024 AK (Year of Construction 02.1993 - 09.1996, 9600 ccm, PS)
1994 .01-1996.09
2024 AK (Year of Construction 01.1994 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1993 .02-1996.09
2024 K (Year of Construction 02.1993 - 09.1996, 9600 ccm, PS)
1994 .01-1996.09
2024 K (Year of Construction 01.1994 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1993 .02-1996.09
2027 AK (Year of Construction 02.1993 - 09.1996, 9572 ccm, PS)
1993 .02-1996.09
2027 AK (Year of Construction 02.1993 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1992 .03-1996.09
2031 (Year of Construction 03.1992 - 09.1996, 9572 ccm, PS)
1992 .03-1996.09
2031 A (Year of Construction 03.1992 - 09.1996, 9572 ccm, PS)
1994 .01-1996.09
2031 A (Year of Construction 01.1994 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1992 .03-1996.09
2031 A (Year of Construction 03.1992 - 09.1996, 12763 ccm, PS)
1994 .01-1996.09
2031 A (Year of Construction 01.1994 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1992 .03-1996.09
2031 AS (Year of Construction 03.1992 - 09.1996, 9572 ccm, PS)
1992 .03-1996.09
2031 K (Year of Construction 03.1992 - 09.1996, 9572 ccm, PS)
1992 .03-1996.09
2031 K (Year of Construction 03.1992 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1992 .03-1996.09
2031 S (Year of Construction 03.1992 - 09.1996, 9572 ccm, PS)
1991 .11-1996.09
2038 (Year of Construction 11.1991 - 09.1996, 12763 ccm, PS)
1992 .12-...
2038 (Year of Construction 12.1992 - ..., 14618 ccm, PS)
1992 .12-1996.09
2038 AS (Year of Construction 12.1992 - 09.1996, 12763 ccm, PS)
1994 .01-1996.09
2038 AS (Year of Construction 01.1994 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1991 .11-1996.09
2038 S (Year of Construction 11.1991 - 09.1996, 12763 ccm, PS)
1992 .01-1996.09
2044 (Year of Construction 01.1992 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1994 .01-1996.09
2044 AS (Year of Construction 01.1994 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1992 .01-1996.09
2044 S (Year of Construction 01.1992 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1991 .01-1996.09
2050 (Year of Construction 01.1991 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1991 .01-1996.09
2050 S (Year of Construction 01.1991 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1992 .01-1996.09
2055 AF (Year of Construction 01.1992 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1988 .07-1994.08
2429 (Year of Construction 07.1988 - 08.1994, 15080 ccm, PS)
1988 .07-1994.08
2429 K (Year of Construction 07.1988 - 08.1994, 15080 ccm, PS)
1988 .07-1994.08
2429 S (Year of Construction 07.1988 - 08.1994, 15080 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
2429 S,2429 LS (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 15080 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
2429, 2429 L (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 15080 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
2429,2429 L (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 15080 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
2434 L (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
2435 (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1988 .07-1994.08
2435 (Year of Construction 07.1988 - 08.1994, 14618 ccm, PS)
1988 .07-1994.08
2435 K (Year of Construction 07.1988 - 08.1994, 14618 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
2435 LS (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1988 .07-1994.08
2435 S (Year of Construction 07.1988 - 08.1994, 14618 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
2435 S,2435 LS (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
2435 S,2435 LS (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
2435,2435 L (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1988 .07-1992.07
2448 (Year of Construction 07.1988 - 07.1992, 14618 ccm, PS)
1988 .07-1992.07
2448 LS (Year of Construction 07.1988 - 07.1992, 14618 ccm, PS)
1988 .07-1992.07
2448 S (Year of Construction 07.1988 - 07.1992, 14618 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
2448,2448 L (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1991 .05-1996.09
2531 (Year of Construction 05.1991 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1991 .05-1996.09
2531 (Year of Construction 05.1991 - 09.1996, 9572 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
2531, 2531 L (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 9572 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
2531, 2531 L (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
2534, 2534 L (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1991 .03-1996.09
2538 (Year of Construction 03.1991 - 09.1996, 12763 ccm, PS)
1994 .01-1996.09
2538 (Year of Construction 01.1994 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1991 .03-1996.09
2538 (Year of Construction 03.1991 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1991 .03-1996.09
2538 K, 2538 LK (Year of Construction 03.1991 - 09.1996, 12763 ccm, PS)
1994 .01-1996.09
2538 K, 2538 LK (Year of Construction 01.1994 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
2538 S,2538 LS (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 12763 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
2538 S,2538 LS (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
2538,2538 L (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 12763 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
2538,2538 L (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1994 .01-1996.09
2544 (Year of Construction 01.1994 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1992 .01-1996.09
2544 LS (Year of Construction 01.1992 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1988 .07-1994.08
2544 S (Year of Construction 07.1988 - 08.1994, 14618 ccm, PS)
1992 .01-1996.09
2544, 2544 L (Year of Construction 01.1992 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
2544,2544 L (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1991 .01-1996.09
2550 (Year of Construction 01.1991 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1991 .01-1996.09
2550 S, 2550 LS (Year of Construction 01.1991 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
2550,2550 L (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1996 .01-1996.09
2553 S, 2553 LS (Year of Construction 01.1996 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
2553,2553 L (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1988 .07-1994.08
2629 (Year of Construction 07.1988 - 08.1994, 15080 ccm, PS)
1988 .07-1994.08
2629 A (Year of Construction 07.1988 - 08.1994, 15080 ccm, PS)
1988 .07-1994.08
2629 A (Year of Construction 07.1988 - 08.1994, 14618 ccm, PS)
1988 .07-1994.08
2629 A (Year of Construction 07.1988 - 08.1994, 14618 ccm, PS)
1988 .07-1994.08
2629 AK (Year of Construction 07.1988 - 08.1994, 15080 ccm, PS)
1988 .07-1994.08
2629 AK (Year of Construction 07.1988 - 08.1994, 14618 ccm, PS)
1988 .07-1994.08
2629 AK (Year of Construction 07.1988 - 08.1994, 14618 ccm, PS)
1988 .07-1994.08
2629 AS (Year of Construction 07.1988 - 08.1994, 15080 ccm, PS)
1988 .07-1994.08
2629 AS (Year of Construction 07.1988 - 08.1994, 14618 ccm, PS)
1988 .07-1994.08
2629 B (Year of Construction 07.1988 - 08.1994, 15080 ccm, PS)
1988 .07-1994.08
2629 K (Year of Construction 07.1988 - 08.1994, 15080 ccm, PS)
1988 .07-1994.08
2629 S (Year of Construction 07.1988 - 08.1994, 15080 ccm, PS)
1992 .06-1996.09
2631 (Year of Construction 06.1992 - 09.1996, 9572 ccm, PS)
1992 .06-1996.09
2631 (Year of Construction 06.1992 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1994 .01-1996.09
2631 A (Year of Construction 01.1994 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1994 .01-1996.09
2631 AK, 2634 AK (Year of Construction 01.1994 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1992 .06-1996.09
2631 B (Year of Construction 06.1992 - 09.1996, 9572 ccm, PS)
1988 .07-1994.08
2631 K (Year of Construction 07.1988 - 08.1994, 9572 ccm, PS)
1988 .07-1994.08
2631 K (Year of Construction 07.1988 - 08.1994, 10964 ccm, PS)
1992 .06-1996.09
2631 S (Year of Construction 06.1992 - 09.1996, 9572 ccm, PS)
1992 .06-1996.09
2631 S (Year of Construction 06.1992 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1992 .06-1996.09
2634 (Year of Construction 06.1992 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1992 .06-1996.09
2634 S (Year of Construction 06.1992 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1988 .07-1994.08
2635 (Year of Construction 07.1988 - 08.1994, 14618 ccm, PS)
1991 .01-1994.08
2635 (Year of Construction 01.1991 - 08.1994, 14618 ccm, PS)
1990 .02-1994.08
2635 A (Year of Construction 02.1990 - 08.1994, 14618 ccm, PS)
1991 .12-1994.08
2635 A (Year of Construction 12.1991 - 08.1994, 14618 ccm, PS)
1990 .02-1994.08
2635 AK (Year of Construction 02.1990 - 08.1994, 14618 ccm, PS)
1990 .02-1994.08
2635 AK (Year of Construction 02.1990 - 08.1994, 14618 ccm, PS)
1992 .02-1994.08
2635 AS (Year of Construction 02.1992 - 08.1994, 14618 ccm, PS)
1990 .02-1996.09
2635 AS (Year of Construction 02.1990 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1988 .07-1994.08
2635 K (Year of Construction 07.1988 - 08.1994, 14618 ccm, PS)
1991 .01-1994.08
2635 K (Year of Construction 01.1991 - 08.1994, 12763 ccm, PS)
1991 .07-1994.08
2635 K (Year of Construction 07.1991 - 08.1994, 14618 ccm, PS)
1988 .07-1994.08
2635 K (Year of Construction 07.1988 - 08.1994, 14618 ccm, PS)
1988 .07-1994.08
2635 S (Year of Construction 07.1988 - 08.1994, 14618 ccm, PS)
1988 .07-1994.08
2635 S (Year of Construction 07.1988 - 08.1994, 14618 ccm, PS)
1991 .09-1996.09
2638 A, LA (Year of Construction 09.1991 - 09.1996, 12763 ccm, PS)
1991 .09-1996.09
2638 A, LA (Year of Construction 09.1991 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1991 .09-1996.09
2638 A, LA (Year of Construction 09.1991 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1994 .01-1996.09
2638 AK (Year of Construction 01.1994 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1994 .01-1996.09
2638 AS (Year of Construction 01.1994 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1991 .09-1996.09
2638 K (Year of Construction 09.1991 - 09.1996, 12763 ccm, PS)
1991 .09-1996.09
2638 K (Year of Construction 09.1991 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1991 .09-1996.09
2638, 2638 L (Year of Construction 09.1991 - 09.1996, 12763 ccm, PS)
1991 .09-1996.09
2638, 2638 L (Year of Construction 09.1991 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1992 .01-1996.09
2644 A (Year of Construction 01.1992 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1992 .01-1996.09
2644 S (Year of Construction 01.1992 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1992 .01-1996.09
2644, 2644 L (Year of Construction 01.1992 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1990 .02-1994.08
2648 AK (Year of Construction 02.1990 - 08.1994, 14618 ccm, PS)
1988 .07-1994.08
2648 AS (Year of Construction 07.1988 - 08.1994, 14618 ccm, PS)
1988 .12-1992.07
2648 S (Year of Construction 12.1988 - 07.1992, 14618 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
2650 A (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1988 .07-1994.08
2650 AK (Year of Construction 07.1988 - 08.1994, 14618 ccm, PS)
1994 .01-1996.09
2650 AS (Year of Construction 01.1994 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1988 .07-1994.08
2650 K (Year of Construction 07.1988 - 08.1994, 14618 ccm, PS)
1992 .07-1996.09
2650 S (Year of Construction 07.1992 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1992 .07-1996.09
2650, 2650 L (Year of Construction 07.1992 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1992 .07-1996.09
2653 AK (Year of Construction 07.1992 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1995 .09-1996.09
2653, 2653 L (Year of Construction 09.1995 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1994 .01-1996.09
3050 (Year of Construction 01.1994 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1993 .12-1996.09
3053 S (Year of Construction 12.1993 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1989 .09-1994.08
3229 (Year of Construction 09.1989 - 08.1994, 15078 ccm, PS)
1989 .09-1992.07
3229 B (Year of Construction 09.1989 - 07.1992, 15078 ccm, PS)
1989 .09-1992.01
3229 K (Year of Construction 09.1989 - 01.1992, 15078 ccm, PS)
1990 .10-1992.07
3233 B (Year of Construction 10.1990 - 07.1992, 10964 ccm, PS)
1990 .10-1992.07
3233 K (Year of Construction 10.1990 - 07.1992, 10964 ccm, PS)
1992 .02-1996.09
3234 B (Year of Construction 02.1992 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1992 .02-1996.09
3234 K (Year of Construction 02.1992 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1988 .10-1992.07
3235 (Year of Construction 10.1988 - 07.1992, 14618 ccm, PS)
1988 .07-1994.08
3235 (Year of Construction 07.1988 - 08.1994, 14618 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1992.07
3235 K (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 07.1992, 14618 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
3235 L (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1990 .10-1996.09
3238 (Year of Construction 10.1990 - 09.1996, 12763 ccm, PS)
1991 .03-1996.09
3238 (Year of Construction 03.1991 - 09.1996, 12763 ccm, PS)
1991 .03-1996.09
3238 (Year of Construction 03.1991 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
3238 L (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 12763 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
3238 L (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1994 .01-1996.09
3238, 3238 L (Year of Construction 01.1994 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1994 .01-1996.09
3244 (Year of Construction 01.1994 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
3248 (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1987 .07-1996.09
3250 L (Year of Construction 07.1987 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1996 .01-1996.09
3253, 3253 L (Year of Construction 01.1996 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1993 .10-1996.09
3534 K (Year of Construction 10.1993 - 09.1996, 10964 ccm, PS)
1988 .07-1994.08
3535 (Year of Construction 07.1988 - 08.1994, 14618 ccm, PS)
1990 .02-1994.08
3535 AK (Year of Construction 02.1990 - 08.1994, 14618 ccm, PS)
1988 .10-1994.08
3535 B (Year of Construction 10.1988 - 08.1994, 14618 ccm, PS)
1988 .10-1994.08
3535 K (Year of Construction 10.1988 - 08.1994, 14618 ccm, PS)
1991 .09-1996.09
3538 (Year of Construction 09.1991 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1991 .03-1996.09
3538 (Year of Construction 03.1991 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1994 .01-1996.09
3538 AK (Year of Construction 01.1994 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1994 .01-1996.09
3538 K (Year of Construction 01.1994 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1992 .05-1996.09
3550 (Year of Construction 05.1992 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1991 .03-1996.09
3550 K (Year of Construction 03.1991 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1992 .05-1996.09
3550 S, 3553 S (Year of Construction 05.1992 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1992 .04-...
3553 S (Year of Construction 04.1992 - ..., 14618 ccm, PS)
1994 .01-1996.09
3553, 3553 L (Year of Construction 01.1994 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
1991 .12-1994.08
4844 (Year of Construction 12.1991 - 08.1994, 14618 ccm, PS)
1991 .03-1996.09
4844 K (Year of Construction 03.1991 - 09.1996, 14618 ccm, PS)
Chassis No.
1990 .09-1992.06
AE 380.18 (Year of Construction 09.1990 - 06.1992, 12024 ccm, PS)
1990 .09-1992.06
AE 380.18T (Year of Construction 09.1990 - 06.1992, 12024 ccm, PS)
1990 .09-1992.06
AE 380.26 (Year of Construction 09.1990 - 06.1992, 12024 ccm, PS)
1990 .09-1992.06
AE 380.26T (Year of Construction 09.1990 - 06.1992, 12024 ccm, PS)
Chassis No.
1990 .09-1992.06
AE 380.18 (Year of Construction 09.1990 - 06.1992, 12024 ccm, PS)
1990 .09-1992.06
AE 380.18T (Year of Construction 09.1990 - 06.1992, 12024 ccm, PS)
1990 .09-1992.06
AE 380.26 (Year of Construction 09.1990 - 06.1992, 12024 ccm, PS)
1990 .09-1992.06
AE 380.26T (Year of Construction 09.1990 - 06.1992, 12024 ccm, PS)
1990 .09-1992.06
AE 380.26T (Year of Construction 09.1990 - 06.1992, 12024 ccm, PS)
Chassis No.
1986 .04-1992.10
CBH 280.26 (Year of Construction 04.1986 - 10.1992, 12024 ccm, PS)
1986 .04-1992.10
CBH 280.26 (Year of Construction 04.1986 - 10.1992, 12024 ccm, PS)
1986 .04-1992.10
CBH 280.26 (Year of Construction 04.1986 - 10.1992, 12024 ccm, PS)
1986 .04-1992.10
CBH 280.26/T (Year of Construction 04.1986 - 10.1992, 12024 ccm, PS)
1986 .04-1992.10
CBH 280.26/T (Year of Construction 04.1986 - 10.1992, 12024 ccm, PS)
1986 .04-1992.10
CBH 280.34 (Year of Construction 04.1986 - 10.1992, 12024 ccm, PS)
1986 .04-1992.10
CBH 280.34 (Year of Construction 04.1986 - 10.1992, 12024 ccm, PS)
1986 .04-1992.10
CBH 280.34 (Year of Construction 04.1986 - 10.1992, 12024 ccm, PS)
1986 .04-1992.10
CBH 280.34/T (Year of Construction 04.1986 - 10.1992, 12024 ccm, PS)
1988 .02-1992.10
CBH 340.19 (Year of Construction 02.1988 - 10.1992, 12024 ccm, PS)
1988 .02-1992.10
CBH 340.19/T (Year of Construction 02.1988 - 10.1992, 12024 ccm, PS)
1988 .02-1992.10
CBH 340.26 (Year of Construction 02.1988 - 10.1992, 12024 ccm, PS)
1988 .02-1992.10
CBH 340.26 (Year of Construction 02.1988 - 10.1992, 12024 ccm, PS)
1988 .02-1992.10
CBH 340.26 (Year of Construction 02.1988 - 10.1992, 12024 ccm, PS)
1988 .02-1992.10
CBH 340.26/T (Year of Construction 02.1988 - 10.1992, 12024 ccm, PS)
1988 .02-1992.10
CBH 340.26/T (Year of Construction 02.1988 - 10.1992, 12024 ccm, PS)
1990 .01-1992.10
CBH 380.26 (Year of Construction 01.1990 - 10.1992, 12024 ccm, PS)
1991 .04-1992.10
CBH 380.26/T (Year of Construction 04.1991 - 10.1992, 12024 ccm, PS)
1986 .04-1992.10
CLM 280.19 (Year of Construction 04.1986 - 10.1992, 12024 ccm, PS)
1986 .04-1992.10
CLM 280.19/T (Year of Construction 04.1986 - 10.1992, 12024 ccm, PS)
1986 .04-1992.10
CLM 280.26 (Year of Construction 04.1986 - 10.1992, 12024 ccm, PS)
1988 .02-1991.10
CLM 340.19 (Year of Construction 02.1988 - 10.1991, 12024 ccm, PS)
1988 .02-1991.10
CLM 340.19/T (Year of Construction 02.1988 - 10.1991, 12024 ccm, PS)
3 - series
Chassis No.
1991 .10-1998.12
113 E/310 (Year of Construction 10.1991 - 12.1998, 11020 ccm, PS)
1991 .11-1996.12
113 E/320 (Year of Construction 11.1991 - 12.1996, 11020 ccm, PS)
1991 .11-1996.12
113 E/320 (Year of Construction 11.1991 - 12.1996, 11020 ccm, PS)
1991 .10-1998.12
113 E/320 (Year of Construction 10.1991 - 12.1998, 11020 ccm, PS)
1990 .01-1996.12
113 E/360 (Year of Construction 01.1990 - 12.1996, 11020 ccm, PS)
1990 .01-1996.12
113 E/360 (Year of Construction 01.1990 - 12.1996, 11020 ccm, PS)
1990 .01-1996.12
113 E/360 (Year of Construction 01.1990 - 12.1996, 11020 ccm, PS)
1991 .10-1998.12
113 E/360 (Year of Construction 10.1991 - 12.1998, 11020 ccm, PS)
1991 .01-1996.12
113 E/380 (Year of Construction 01.1991 - 12.1996, 11020 ccm, PS)
1991 .01-1996.12
113 E/380 (Year of Construction 01.1991 - 12.1996, 11020 ccm, PS)
1991 .01-1996.12
113 E/380 (Year of Construction 01.1991 - 12.1996, 11020 ccm, PS)
1990 .01-1991.12
113 H/310 (Year of Construction 01.1990 - 12.1991, 11020 ccm, PS)
1990 .01-1991.12
113 H/310 (Year of Construction 01.1990 - 12.1991, 11020 ccm, PS)
1990 .01-1991.12
113 H/310 (Year of Construction 01.1990 - 12.1991, 11020 ccm, PS)
1988 .05-1989.12
113 H/310 (Year of Construction 05.1988 - 12.1989, 11020 ccm, PS)
1988 .05-1989.12
113 H/310 (Year of Construction 05.1988 - 12.1989, 11020 ccm, PS)
1988 .05-1989.12
113 H/310 (Year of Construction 05.1988 - 12.1989, 11020 ccm, PS)
1991 .10-1998.12
113 H/310 (Year of Construction 10.1991 - 12.1998, 11020 ccm, PS)
1990 .01-1996.12
113 H/320 (Year of Construction 01.1990 - 12.1996, 11020 ccm, PS)
1990 .01-1996.12
113 H/320 (Year of Construction 01.1990 - 12.1996, 11020 ccm, PS)
1990 .01-1996.12
113 H/320 (Year of Construction 01.1990 - 12.1996, 11020 ccm, PS)
1990 .01-1996.12
113 H/320 (Year of Construction 01.1990 - 12.1996, 11020 ccm, PS)
1990 .01-1996.12
113 H/320 (Year of Construction 01.1990 - 12.1996, 11020 ccm, PS)
1990 .01-1996.12
113 H/320 (Year of Construction 01.1990 - 12.1996, 11020 ccm, PS)
1990 .01-1996.12
113 H/320 (Year of Construction 01.1990 - 12.1996, 11020 ccm, PS)
1990 .01-1996.12
113 H/320 (Year of Construction 01.1990 - 12.1996, 11020 ccm, PS)
1990 .01-1996.12
113 H/320 (Year of Construction 01.1990 - 12.1996, 11020 ccm, PS)
1988 .05-1989.12
113 H/320 (Year of Construction 05.1988 - 12.1989, 11020 ccm, PS)
1988 .05-1989.12
113 H/320 (Year of Construction 05.1988 - 12.1989, 11020 ccm, PS)
1988 .05-1989.12
113 H/320 (Year of Construction 05.1988 - 12.1989, 11020 ccm, PS)
1988 .05-1989.12
113 H/320 (Year of Construction 05.1988 - 12.1989, 11020 ccm, PS)
1990 .01-1996.12
113 H/360 (Year of Construction 01.1990 - 12.1996, 11020 ccm, PS)
1990 .01-1996.12
113 H/360 (Year of Construction 01.1990 - 12.1996, 11020 ccm, PS)
1990 .01-1996.12
113 H/360 (Year of Construction 01.1990 - 12.1996, 11020 ccm, PS)
1990 .01-1996.12
113 H/360 (Year of Construction 01.1990 - 12.1996, 11020 ccm, PS)
1990 .01-1996.12
113 H/360 (Year of Construction 01.1990 - 12.1996, 11020 ccm, PS)
1990 .01-1996.12
113 H/360 (Year of Construction 01.1990 - 12.1996, 11020 ccm, PS)
1990 .01-1996.12
113 H/360 (Year of Construction 01.1990 - 12.1996, 11020 ccm, PS)
1988 .05-1996.12
113 H/360 (Year of Construction 05.1988 - 12.1996, 11015 ccm, PS)
1988 .05-1989.12
113 H/360 (Year of Construction 05.1988 - 12.1989, 11020 ccm, PS)
1988 .05-1989.12
113 H/360 (Year of Construction 05.1988 - 12.1989, 11020 ccm, PS)
1988 .05-1989.12
113 H/360 (Year of Construction 05.1988 - 12.1989, 11020 ccm, PS)
1989 .01-1989.12
113 H/360 (Year of Construction 01.1989 - 12.1989, 11020 ccm, PS)
1989 .01-1989.12
113 H/360 (Year of Construction 01.1989 - 12.1989, 11020 ccm, PS)
1991 .01-1996.12
113 H/380 (Year of Construction 01.1991 - 12.1996, 11020 ccm, PS)
1991 .01-1996.12
113 H/380 (Year of Construction 01.1991 - 12.1996, 11020 ccm, PS)
1991 .01-1996.12
113 H/380 (Year of Construction 01.1991 - 12.1996, 11020 ccm, PS)
1991 .01-1996.12
113 H/380 (Year of Construction 01.1991 - 12.1996, 11020 ccm, PS)
1990 .01-1996.12
113 M/320 (Year of Construction 01.1990 - 12.1996, 11020 ccm, PS)
1990 .01-1996.12
113 M/320 (Year of Construction 01.1990 - 12.1996, 11020 ccm, PS)
1990 .01-1996.12
113 M/320 (Year of Construction 01.1990 - 12.1996, 11020 ccm, PS)
1990 .01-1996.12
113 M/320 (Year of Construction 01.1990 - 12.1996, 11020 ccm, PS)
1990 .01-1996.12
113 M/320 (Year of Construction 01.1990 - 12.1996, 11020 ccm, PS)
1988 .01-1996.12
113 M/320 (Year of Construction 01.1988 - 12.1996, 11015 ccm, PS)
1988 .01-1996.12
113 M/320 (Year of Construction 01.1988 - 12.1996, 11015 ccm, PS)
1988 .01-1996.12
113 M/320 (Year of Construction 01.1988 - 12.1996, 11015 ccm, PS)
1988 .05-1989.12
113 M/320 (Year of Construction 05.1988 - 12.1989, 11020 ccm, PS)
1988 .05-1989.12
113 M/320 (Year of Construction 05.1988 - 12.1989, 11020 ccm, PS)
1988 .05-1989.12
113 M/320 (Year of Construction 05.1988 - 12.1989, 11020 ccm, PS)
1988 .05-1996.12
113 M/320 (Year of Construction 05.1988 - 12.1996, 11015 ccm, PS)
1988 .05-1996.12
113 M/340 (Year of Construction 05.1988 - 12.1996, 11015 ccm, PS)
1987 .05-1996.12
113 M/340 (Year of Construction 05.1987 - 12.1996, 11015 ccm, PS)
1987 .05-1996.12
113 M/340 (Year of Construction 05.1987 - 12.1996, 11015 ccm, PS)
1990 .01-1996.12
113 M/360 (Year of Construction 01.1990 - 12.1996, 11020 ccm, PS)
1990 .01-1996.12
113 M/360 (Year of Construction 01.1990 - 12.1996, 11020 ccm, PS)
1990 .01-1996.12
113 M/360 (Year of Construction 01.1990 - 12.1996, 11020 ccm, PS)
1990 .01-1996.12
113 M/360 (Year of Construction 01.1990 - 12.1996, 11020 ccm, PS)
1988 .05-1996.12
113 M/360 (Year of Construction 05.1988 - 12.1996, 11015 ccm, PS)
1987 .05-1996.12
113 M/360 (Year of Construction 05.1987 - 12.1996, 11015 ccm, PS)
1988 .05-1989.12
113 M/360 (Year of Construction 05.1988 - 12.1989, 11020 ccm, PS)
1988 .05-1989.12
113 M/360 (Year of Construction 05.1988 - 12.1989, 11020 ccm, PS)
1991 .01-1996.12
113 M/380 (Year of Construction 01.1991 - 12.1996, 11020 ccm, PS)
1991 .01-1996.12
113 M/380 (Year of Construction 01.1991 - 12.1996, 11020 ccm, PS)
1991 .01-1996.12
113 M/380 (Year of Construction 01.1991 - 12.1996, 11020 ccm, PS)
1991 .01-1996.12
113 M/380 (Year of Construction 01.1991 - 12.1996, 11020 ccm, PS)
1988 .01-1996.12
113 M/380 (Year of Construction 01.1988 - 12.1996, 11015 ccm, PS)
1988 .01-1996.12
113 M/380 (Year of Construction 01.1988 - 12.1996, 11015 ccm, PS)
1988 .01-1996.12
113 M/380 (Year of Construction 01.1988 - 12.1996, 11015 ccm, PS)
1990 .01-1996.12
T 113 E/320 (Year of Construction 01.1990 - 12.1996, 11020 ccm, PS)
1990 .01-1996.12
T 113 E/320 (Year of Construction 01.1990 - 12.1996, 11020 ccm, PS)
1990 .01-1996.12
T 113 E/360 (Year of Construction 01.1990 - 12.1996, 11020 ccm, PS)
1990 .01-1996.12
T 113 E/360 (Year of Construction 01.1990 - 12.1996, 11020 ccm, PS)
1990 .01-1996.12
T 113 H/320 (Year of Construction 01.1990 - 12.1996, 11020 ccm, PS)
1990 .01-1996.12
T 113 H/320 (Year of Construction 01.1990 - 12.1996, 11020 ccm, PS)
1990 .01-1996.12
T 113 H/320 (Year of Construction 01.1990 - 12.1996, 11020 ccm, PS)
1990 .01-1996.12
T 113 H/320 (Year of Construction 01.1990 - 12.1996, 11020 ccm, PS)
1990 .01-1996.12
T 113 H/320 (Year of Construction 01.1990 - 12.1996, 11020 ccm, PS)
1990 .01-1996.12
T 113 H/320 (Year of Construction 01.1990 - 12.1996, 11020 ccm, PS)
1990 .01-1996.12
T 113 H/320 (Year of Construction 01.1990 - 12.1996, 11020 ccm, PS)
1990 .01-1996.12
T 113 H/360 (Year of Construction 01.1990 - 12.1996, 11020 ccm, PS)
1990 .01-1996.12
T 113 H/360 (Year of Construction 01.1990 - 12.1996, 11020 ccm, PS)
1990 .01-1996.12
T 113 H/360 (Year of Construction 01.1990 - 12.1996, 11020 ccm, PS)
1990 .01-1996.12
T 113 H/360 (Year of Construction 01.1990 - 12.1996, 11020 ccm, PS)
1990 .01-1996.12
T 113 H/360 (Year of Construction 01.1990 - 12.1996, 11020 ccm, PS)